Sat Ind. WOD 2/29
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitView Public Whiteboard"Mark" (Time)"Mark" 7 RFT - 5 bench press 225/135 - 5 power cleans 225/135 - 35 double unders (scale: 70 [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitView Public Whiteboard"Mark" (Time)"Mark" 7 RFT - 5 bench press 225/135 - 5 power cleans 225/135 - 35 double unders (scale: 70 [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“75% Emotional, 25% Physical” It’s said that the hardest part about anything is starting. And that once we just take that first [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“If failure is not an option, neither is success.” We fear the one who is willing to lose it all. The one [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“If you fight for your limitations, you get to keep them.” - Jim Kwik Our harshest critic is in between our ears. [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“I want to see it, before I believe it.” We are visually oriented people. We seem to trust our eyes more than [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“Don’t tell me who you are. Tell me what you are.” When we are asked “who” we are, we default to our [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFitView Public WhiteboardEthan Suplee Special (Time)4 sets for time: (Superset each combination) - 12 reps db flye to - 10 reps db [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“The purpose of pain is to move us in action, not to make us suffer.” – Tony Robbins Pain gets a bad [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“There will never be a better you, than you.” There is a lot to be said about authenticity. The first definition inside [...]
CrossFit Evergreen - CrossFit“The Marshmallow Experiment” The experiment conducted decades ago began by bringing in children into a room, one by one, sitting them down [...]