CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.

Tuesday Skills (Checkmark)

Skill Conditioning Progression

2 Rounds x AMRAP 1:

Handstand Walks

• Rest 1:00 Between AMRAPs

– Rest 1:00 –

2 Rounds x AMRAP 1:

Single-leg Squats (0:30 Right / 0:30 Left)

• Rest 1:00 Between AMRAPs

– Rest 1:00 –

2 Rounds x AMRAP 1:

GHD Sit-ups

• Rest 1:00 Between AMRAPs

– This is a chance to learn yourself and where your capacity lies and will give you insights on how to pace these movements in workouts (i.e. complete 25ft HSW every 30 seconds, or 20 GHD sit-ups per minute) and how to approach them in competition settings.

– You will likely not be able to get as many reps in the second round due to progressive fatigue.

– Handstand Walks: The goal is to travel at least 50ft or more per minute. 5ft = 1 rep.

– Single-leg Squats: The goal is to complete at least 10 reps on one leg in 30 seconds.

– GHD Sit-ups: The goal is to complete at least 20 reps per minute.

– Score: Checkmark. you record 9 Sets of Reps in the Workout Notes which reps are for which movement and how it felt.


*If you make a substitution, please stay consistent with that substitution for the next 2 weeks.


– Handstand Shoulder Taps Against A Wall

– Plank Shoulder Taps

– Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry

– Wall Walks


– Assisted Pistols: Use a band or hold onto a rig for support

– Single Leg Squats To A Box

– Single Leg Box Step-Ups

– Reverse Lunges

– Single Dumbbell Box Step-Ups


– Weighted Sit-Ups

– Sit-Ups

– Toes To Bar

– V-Ups

– Hollow Rocks

30 Second Handstand Hold Against Wall

30 Second Wall Sit

30 Second Parallel GHD Sit-up Hold

2 Rounds:

10ft Handstand Walk

3 Rig-assisted Tempo Single-leg Squats per side

3 Tempo GHD Sit-ups

1 Round:

25ft Handstand Walk

4 Single-leg Squats per side

8 GHD Sit-ups


– Handstand Walks: Focus on pressing away from the ground every step and moving your hands at a high cadence. I would prefer smaller, more frequent steps over long, slow steps.

– Single-leg Squats: These require a lot of balance, so make sure you are utilizing your hips to stabilize. Squeeze your glute at the top of each rep to help realign your positioning and ensure you are getting full extension and meeting the movement standards.

– GHD Sit-ups: Press away from the footboard on your way down. After touching the ground overhead, extend your knees violently to initiate the rise of your torso. The moment your torso has risen to parallel, pull against the footpads by acting like you are going to bring your knees to your chest. This will speed up your rise upward and bring you close to the footpads to touch at the top.

Down With The Sickness (Time)

“Down With The Sickness”

5 Rounds For Time:

400m Run (No running with ice!)

12 Thrusters MRx: 55/35, Rx: 65/45, Rx+: 75/55

12 Burpees

12 Pull-ups

– Overview: A little play on the “Beep Test” today with some running mixed in to start and break up the rounds. Finding a methodical pace and the right places to breathe that let you keep moving and working will be key out the gate.

– Run: About 2:00 of work.

– Burpees: 1:00 or less. Chest and thighs must touch the ground each rep.

– Pull-ups: 1-2 sets in 1:00 or less.

– Ideally each round should be about 5:00 or less.

– Score: Time to complete work.


400M RUN

– Reduce Distance

– 2:00 Time Cap

– 500m Row

– 320m Ski

– 800m Bike

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells

– Sub Front Squat

– Sub Push Press

– 24 Air Squats
– Athletes should pace from the start and increase their pace accordingly as they settle into a rhythm and cadence on each movement.

– This workout is not won during the burpees, allowing yourself to catch your breath here will allow you to hold a consistent pace on the thrusters and pull-ups.