CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“When I write, I feel like an armless, legless man with a crayon in his mouth.” – Kurt Vonnegut

It can be easy to forget that even the greats are full of awkwardness and clumsiness. Yet the man quoted above is known to have changed the face of American literature.

But despite Vonnegut’s success, he didn’t start that way. It was full of fumbles, false starts, and embarrassing mistakes. Yet where others in his shoes stopped, he chose to keep going. Forcing himself to move forward. He kept taking one more step, even when the process did not seem rewarding.

Awkward and clumsy is not just OK… it’s part of the way.


Power Snatch (1 RM Power Snatch)

You will have 10 minutes to warm up with your BB into your working weight for your Power Snatch.

3 Attempts are recommended. 1 at a weight you know you can do.

1 at a weight that will challenge you.

1 at a weight you have never done before.

Challenge yourself until failure today!

2k Row (Time)

Max Effort 2k Row
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Damper Setting: Between 5 & 6.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete 2,000 meters.

Monitor Setup:

* Select Workout

* New Workout

* Single Distance

* Set to 2000 Meters

* Set Splits to 500 Meters

* Set Pace Boat to Desired Split Time (Optional)

* Change Display to Show Pace Boat (Optional)


* Simple strategy

* Think of this as a 4×500 Meter Row

* Take 20 hard pulls at the start of each 500 meter interval

* Settle into a manageable pace for the remaining meters


* More complex strategy

* Start: 10-15 Hard Pulls

* First 500: Desired Split Time +4 Seconds

* 500-1000: Desired Split Time +3 Seconds

* 1000-1500: Desired Split Time +2 Seconds

* 1500-1700: Desired Split Time +1 Seconds

* Last 300: Sprint To Finish Below Desired Split Time


50 Meters (+2 Estimated Average Split Time)

50 Meters (At Estimated Average Split Time)

50 Meters (-2 Estimated Average Split Time)



– 4,000m Bike

– 1,600m Ski Erg

– 1,600m Run

– 1,200m Air Run