CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“If you can’t fly, then run. If you can run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.” – Martin Luther King Jr

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld had a daily practice, which was a promise to himself. To “never break the chain”.

Every day, Jerry promised himself that he would write a joke, every single day. The length, the topic, and even how funny it was came second to the fact – that it was completed. Some days the jokes were incredibly funny. Other days, hardly. Some jokes were long, some were barely a sentence. But he “never broke the chain”.

What Jerry was doing, was committing himself to make forward movement, every, single, day. Some days it was an inch, and some days it was a mile. And this seemingly simple practice, to place tangible action into every day, resulted in one of the greatest comedians of his time.

As Martin Luther expresses, it’s not about the magnitude of the progress. All that matters is that we’re moving forward.

Bergeron Open Test (AMRAP – Reps)

“Open Test”


50 Wallballs (20/14)

50 Double Unders

40 Box Jumps (24/20)

40 Toes to Bar

30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

30 Burpees

20 Cleans (145/100)

20 Jerks (145/100)

10 Snatches (145/100)

10 Ring Muscle-ups

This big, long chipper hits many of the movement we may see over the course of the Open.

With a high rep count, the goal for most athletes will be to see how far they can get within 20 minutes. To hit the proper stimulus, we want athletes to reach at least the jerks.

Coaches can assist in modifying loading and/or rep schemes to accomplish that. The weight on the barbell should be something that athletes could complete in 1-2 sets when fresh. For athletes who have no aspirations of competing locally or in the Open, we can replace ring muscle-ups with burpee pull-ups. There are a lot of moving parts and things to touch on, so today we’ll walk through things in order during movement prep, familiarizing athletes with the flow and giving them one thing to think about with each movement.

Power Cleans

Push Jerks

Power Snatches