CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Vision is the bottleneck of effort.”

We talk a lot about effort.

It’s the gasoline that will drive us to our destination. And there is no substitute.

It’s often however not that effort is lacking when we aren’t reaching our goals… and instead, it’s a lack of direction.

There are many highly capable people in this world. They have the gasoline and the horsepower behind it. But *where* they direct that energy is the misstep. When they wanted to travel from the East Coast to the West Coast, they found themselves in the South. The largest pity is that all along, they had the right address in the GPS… but they failed to check back on it often enough to ensure they were on the correct route.

We pride ourselves in our horsepower. Your raw effort. We just need to get ourselves pointed in the right direction, and the rest will fall into place.

Pull up warm up (No Measure)

2 x 5 reps of negatives
2 x 5 reps of box assist kipping
2 x 5 reps of strict pull ups into…
5 CTB pull ups into
5 butterfly pull ups

Back Squat (Back Squat

5 Sets [Building To Heavy]:
5 Back Squats

*Rest 1 Minute Between Sets
*Start First Working Set @ 70-75%

– Barbell should come from a rack.

– Each set must be completed unbroken. Pausing between reps is permitted.

– Score: Heaviest set of 5


1:00 Bottom Of Air Squat Hold

10 Air Squats

30s Empty Barbell Bottom of Back Squat Hold

10 Empty Barbell Back Squats

5 Back Squats (Light Weight)

3 Back Squats (Moderate Weight)

*Build to 75%

Elizabeth (Time)


Clean, 135# / 95#

Ring Dips
10 Min Cap MRx: 95/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95

Squat Cleans No power cleans today for Rx


– Conditioning Category:

Threshold – The weight on the bar should be a weight that we could complete 15+ squat cleans unbroken when fresh.

– The ring dips are kipping ring dips. If you cannot complete 10+ ring dips unbroken when fresh, reduce the reps.

– This is meant to be a quick workout, so scaling appropriately is important here.

– The 21’s should be completed in under 4:00 – The 15’s should be completed in under 3:00

– The 9’s should be completed in under 2:00 – Score: Time



1. We can approach the squat cleans in a couple different ways. We could aim for 2-4 sets and cycle the bar the whole workout. We could alternate between sets and singles. Or we could go quick singles.

2. Kipping ring dips are a movement we don’t complete all too often within a workout. Even though we are able to kip, these are typically a movement limited by muscle fatigue/failure. We can manage this early on by being a little more conservative with our sets. Aim for sets of 3, 5, or 7 throughout if this is not a movement you are super comfortable with. Athletes who are more comfortable with these can aim for bigger sets.



– Power Cleans

– Double Dumbbell Squat Cleans


– 12-9-6 Strict Ring Dips

– Bar Dips – Box Dips

– Bench Dips

– Use a Banded

– Feet Supported Ring Dips

– Jumping Ring Dips