CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Fear,’ the doctor said, ‘is the relinquishment of logic, the willing relinquishing of reasonable patterns. We yield to it or we fight it, but we cannot meet it halfway.’” Shirley Jackson,  The Haunting of Hill House

“Witch parking. All others will be toad.” Unknown

“Magic is really very simple, all you’ve got to do is want something and then let yourself have it.” Aggie Cromwell,  Halloweentown

Ghoulish Get-Ups (Weight)

“Turkish” Get-Ups with an extra rep for Abs!

5 x 4 Building To 75% of 1RM
These are basically regular Turkish get ups with an extra rep emphasis on the initial driving Ab movement up from the floor and back down. Then begin the full get up movement to complete the rep.

Team Halloween (Time)

For Time (with a Partner)
75 Lateral Pumpkin Jumps
50 Pumpkin Push Presses*
100 Pumpkin Goblet Squats*
50 Pumpkin Box Jumps/Step Ups* (20/18”)
75 Pumpkin WallBall Twists*

* 5 burpee penalty (both partners) each time the “pumpkin” touches the ground

MRx: Step Ups – 14/12 WB, Rx: Jumps – 20/14 WB as Your PUMPKIN!
Break up the work as needed between partners. Start with the “pumpkin” (medicine ball) on the ground for the lateral jumps (over the pumpkin). Both partners do 75 lateral jumps as a buy in. After the lateral jumps, working partner must have the pumpkin. Partner A must pick the medicine ball up to begin the push presses. When partner A completes their set they must hand the medicine ball to partner B without letting it touch the ground. If either partner drops or puts the medicine ball down at any time (starting with the push-presses through the end of the workout), then both partners must do a 5 burpee penalty each. Work together to complete the total reps for time.