CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Action is the fundamental key to all success.” – Picasso

There is no substitute for action. This is not breaking news.

Everyone has big plans. Big aspirations. The blueprint to “get there”. As integral as it is to have a plan, this is the easy part. And it’s where most stop, because it’s about to get hard.

A famous old American cartoon, “G.I. Joe”, finished every show with a saying: “Knowing is half the battle”. Despite the right intentions behind it, we recognize now it’s a false statement.

Knowing is not half the battle.
It’s not even a quarter.
It’s the first 10%, if that.
Action is 90%.

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Back Squat

Back Squat

Build to Heavy Set of 5


1×5 @ 90% of Heavy 5

1×5 @ 80% of Heavy 5

– On 3.9.22 we built to a heavy set of 10.

– Click on the clock icon on the score bar to access your score logged for your heavy 10.

– We can use our heavy 10 as a reference point for our heavy 5.

– All sets will come from a rack.

– Rest as needed between attempts and drop sets.

– Enter your heavy set of 5 and drop set weights.


– Hit at least 3 warmup sets of 2-3 reps before making first attempt at heavy 5.


– Sub Dumbbell Front Squats

“Club Sandwich” (3 Rounds for reps)

“Club Sandwich”

On the Minute x 9:

6 Dumbbell Front Squats

Max Devil’s Presses

[Rest 3 Minutes]


Max Echo Bike Calories

[Rest 3 Minutes]

On the Minute x 9:

6 Box Jumps (24/20)

Max Pull Ups

DB-MRx: 30/15, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35
– Conditioning Category: Grind

– Dumbbell Front Squats: Use 2 dumbbells. Loading should allow for unbroken sets of squats each minute.

– Devil’s Presses: Use 2 dumbbells. Athlete’s should be able to complete 3 or more reps each minute.

– Box Jumps: Stand all the way up at the top.

– Strict Pull Ups: Athletes should be able to complete 3 reps or more each minute.

– Score: Enter reps completed for each piece. Every calorie will equal 1 rep. Your overall score will be the sum total of all reps.

– Make quick work of the dumbbell front squats.

– Aim to complete the same number of devil’s presses each minute. Feel free to stop 10-15s early to catch your breath and prepare for the next round.

– Pick a goal number of calories to accumulate each minute to help you stay focused during the bike.

– Make quick workout of the box jumps.

– Try to get on the bar for at least your first pull up as quick as possible.


3 Dumbbell Front Squats

3 Devil Presses

30s Echo Bike

3 Box Jumps

1 Pull Up



– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Single Dumbbell


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Single Dumbbell


– Max Cals On Any Machine

– Max Burpees

– Max 10m Shuttle Runs


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Height

– Broad Jumps


– Box Pull Ups

– Jumping Negative Pull Ups