CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

There is a difference between one who is “there” and one who is “being there.”

Many of us are parents. You would understand more than most how being present is everything. A parent can go to their kids’ soccer game, and sit in the stands on their phone, awaiting the end of the game. Or they can go to the game, and passionately be there. Not by yelling or cheering, but by intently wanting to be there. One is “just there,” the other is “being there.”

We can go on a family vacation because. “it’s what families do once a year.” Or we can go on a family vacation because we want to spend more time with each other without the daily distractions of life. From the outside looking in, it may or may not be as visibly obvious as the effects it leaves.

The obvious application here is in our training. If we are to go through the motions in a WOD like Fran (21-15-9 Thrusters/pull ups), with a relAXED, 15:00 – 20:00 minute completion time, there is very little benefit, when compared to really giving our all into the workout.

The less obvious application is our daily encounter outside the gym. Where we may be going through the motions. Is it a lack-luster goodbye to our significant other before leaving for work? Is it greeting an employee with a “How are you?” even though we don’t mean it?

It’s okay to discover these in our daily lives. They happen, as we become comfortable in a routine. It doesn’y mean they should stay that way. Think about that!

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– 2 minutes any erg or a lap

– banded shoulder distraction

– spiderman & reach

– couch stretch

– calf stretch

– 15 Good mornings

– 15 pass throughs

– 10 scorpions

– foam roll and/or LAX ball legs

Nancy (Time)

5 Rounds for time of:
400m Run
15 Overhead Squats, 95# / 65#
– this is designed to take between 11-20 minutes.

– for the Overhead squats, choose a lighter weight that can be ideally completed unbroken on each set.

– try not to have more than one break per round.

– barbell starts from the ground, you can snatch squat the first rep if able to do so.

– try to pace yourself to keep the same pace for each of the 5 rounds.

Modifications as needed.

– 500m row

– 25/18 Echo bike

– 400m ski erg

– front squats

– med ball squat cleans

– jumping squats