CrossFit – Fri, Mar 28
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
General Warm-Up (8 minutes)
8:00 EMOM
Minute 1: Cardio
Minute 2: :20/:20 Worlds Greatest Stretch
Minute 3: 10/10 Hand to Hand Wrist Circles + Puppy Dog Pose in Remaining Time
Minute 4: *Barbell Complex
* Barbell Complex
10 Barbell Romanian Deadlift
8 Tall Muscle Cleans
6 Strict Press
Barbell Prep (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Specific Barbell Prep + Get to Working Loads (8-10 minutes)
Perform 2 Cycles, Adding Loads
– Clean Pull
– Power Clean
– Front Squat
– Squat Clean
– Split Jerk
Then build to working Loads for the Clean and Jerk
Clean and Jerk (Weightlifting
Squat Clean & Jerk
For Load:
Every 90 seconds x 10 Sets
1 Squat Clean & Jerk)
Extra Instructions / Coaches Notes
Starting @ 70% and building to the last 4 sets at 85%
% is Based on 1RM Clean & Jerk
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (Weight)
“Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”
12:00 EMOM
minute 1: *Deadlifts
minute 2: 6-8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Set 1: 5 Reps @ 70%
Set 2: 5 Reps @ 70%
Set 3: 5 Reps @ 75%
Set 4: 5 Reps @ 75%
Set 4: 3 Reps @ 80%
Set 5: 1 Rep @ 85-90%
Strict Handstand Push-Ups:
Add Deficit if 6-8 Reps is Easy, Move to Box Piked Handstand Push-Up if 6-8 is challenging.
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Secondary Objective: Maintain quality strict handstand push-up positions for 6-8 reps.
Stimulus: Lower Body + Upper Body Strength
RPE: 6/10
Workout Notes:
Minute 1: Deadlifts
Starting Position:
Feet hip-width apart , hands gripping the bar just outside the legs .
Engage the lats, core braced , and maintain a neutral spine .
Drive Through Legs: Push the floor away while keeping the bar close to the body .
Hip Extension: Stand tall, locking out hips and knees simultaneously .
Controlled Descent: Lower the bar under control , maintaining tension.
Full rep when hips and knees are locked out at the top.
Scaling Options:
Reduce Load to maintain form.
Trap Bar Deadlift for athletes with mobility limitations.
Romanian Deadlifts for a hamstring-focused variation.
Deadlift (This is here to check your percentages.)
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
12:00 EMOM
minute 1: 10 Dual Dumbbell Deadlifts
minute 2: 6-8 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
Accessory Work (No Measure)
Optional Accessories
3 Sets: For Quality
15 Weighted Hip Extensions
30 second Sorenson Hold
8/8 Single Arm Kettlebell Z-Press
Recovery (Checkmark)
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
1:00/1:00 Couch Stretc h
1:00/1:00 Extended Arm Lizard Pos e
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fol d
Foam Roll Hamstrings and Lower Back
CrossFit – Thu, Mar 27
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
Warm-Up (8-10 minutes)
400m Run
:40 Glute Bridge Hold
:30 Down Dog Calf Gas Pedals
:20/:20 Samson Stretch
2 Sets: For Quality
6/6 Single Arm Ring Rows with Rotation
10 Deep Lunge Mountain Climbers
6 No Jump Burpees
6 Jumping Pull-Ups
Gymnastics Skill (No Measure)
Gymnastics Skill Work
10 minutes on Rope Climb Progression
The Transporter (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
“The Transporter”
20 minute AMRAP
200m Run
1 Rope Climb
5-10-15 Burpee Pull-Ups
400m Run
2 Rope Climbs
20-25-Max Burpee Pull-Ups
Rope Climb: 15ft
Scale: 2 Rope Pull to Stands = 1 Rope Climb
200m Run + 1 Rope Climb + 5 Burpee Pull-Ups
200m Run + 1 Rope Climb + 10 Burpee Pull-Ups
200m Run + 1 Rope Climb + 15 Burpee Pull-Ups
400m Run + 2 Rope Climbs + 20 Burpee Pull-Ups
400m Run + 2 Rope Climbs + 25 Burpee Pull-Ups +
400m Run + 2 Rope Climbs + Max Burpee Pull-Ups in remaining time
Score = Rounds + Reps
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: Get into the Max Rep Round of Burpee Pull-Ups
(5 Rounds + 2 Rope Climbs + 1+ Burpee Pull-Ups)
Primary Objective: Complete 5 Rounds of the workout
Secondary Objective: Maintain a consistent hard pace on the run today in order to bank some time to complete the rope climbs and burpee pull-ups.
Stimulus: Aerobic
RPE: 7/10
This should be a steady grind of a workout with focus on good quality pacing and consistency on the rope and burpee pull-ups.
Workout Strategy Notes:
Run: Maintain 5-10k Paced intensity here in order to keep things fast, yet sustainable.
Rope Climb: Work to get a great foot lock quickly, trying to grab the rope as high and close to your hands on each pull as possible. Take extra attention to descend quickly to avoid excessive time under tension on the grip.
Burpee Pull-Ups: Make sure to find your placement of your hands and feet directly underneath the bar so that you can jump straight from the burpee into the pull-up. The bar should be just out of reach for our Rx standard, but can reduce the height and create a jumping pull-up as the modification for the day.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
20 minute AMRAP
200m Run
5-10-15 Burpee Pull-Ups
400m Run
20-25-Max Burpee Pull-Ups
Accessory Work (No Measure)
Strength Finisher (To be completed as a part of class)
5 Sets
:30 second on / :30 second off
Max Renegade Rows
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Recovery (Checkmark)
:30 second Puppy Dog Pose
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Thread The Needle Stretch
CrossFit – Wed, Mar 26
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
Warm-Up (8-12min)
Every Minute On The Minute, 8-12 minutes
Minute 1: Cardio Choice
Minute 2: 10 Russian KBS + 10 Goblet Squats
Minute 4: 10 Alternating Box Step-Ups + 5 Box Jumps 24/20in
Minute 3: Mobilization Exercise
Round 1: :20/:20 Second Pigeon Stretch
Round 2: :20/:20 World’s Greatest Stretch
Round 3: :60 Thoracic Squat Rotations
Barbell Prep (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Specific Barbell Prep (4-6 min)
Focus on bracing and breathing mechanics in the squat with the goal of 20×1 Tempo
10 Empty Barbell Reps
5 Reps @ 50-55%
3 Reps @ 60-65%
Then Get starting Loads on the Barbell
Back Squat (Strength
Back Squat
Every 4:00 minutes x 3 Sets
5 Reps @ 70%
3 Reps @ 75%
1 Rep @ 80-85%
Rest as needed between 5-3-1 to complete within the 4:00 time frame)
Extra Instructions:
This is to be done as 5 reps, then 3 reps, then 1 rep within every 4:00 minute segment just as we did 2 weeks ago. This will have athletes adjusting weight quickly and ending with 80-85% on the bar for the final rep of 9 within each set. This creates a good volume dose as well as allowing athletes to tackle heavier loads in a cluster set style lifting session.
Crank (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
8:00 AMRAP
20 American Kettlebell Swing (MRx = Russian KB Swings)
10 Box Jumps
50ft (15m) Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge
Load: MRx 44/26lb, 20/12kg, Rx 53/35lb, 24/16kg
Box Height: MRx 24/20in, Rx 30/24in
Score = Rounds + Reps
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal: 3 Rounds
Time Domain: ~2:30 / round
Maintain steady, repeatable pacing across both rounds. Athletes should aim to complete the first round within 2-2:30 then things will settle in a bit as fatigue builds in the quads.
Primary Objective: Maintain unbroken sets on the Kettlebell Swing + unbroken 25ft (7.5m) segments on the Lunge
Secondary Objective: Keep a steady and smooth pace on the box
Stimulus: Leg stamina and muscular endurance
RPE : 8/10
Challenging but sustainable. Fatigue will build across rounds, so early pacing is critical to avoid redlining towards the final 3 minutes of the AMRAP.
Workout Strategy Notes:
American Kettlebell Swing: Look to go unbroken with consistent tension through the midline in order to avoid any excessive flexion or extension.
Box Jumps: Smooth, repeatable effort with controlled landings to reduce impact on the legs.
Single Arm Overhead Walking Lunge: Use a controlled, methodical approach. Keep the kettlebell locked out overhead with a firm stable position with the bicep by the ear and a straight elbow.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
Travel / Hotel Gym:
As prescribed, Can Sub Bench Jump Overs for Box Jumps
Accessory Work (No Measure)
Optional Accessories
3 Sets: For Quality
12 Foam Roller Hamstring Curls
15 Barbell Hip Thrusts
20/20 sec S plit Squat Paloff Press Iso Hold
Recovery (Checkmark)
1:00/1:00 Elevated Pigeon Pose
1:00/1:00 Single Leg Forward Fold
1:00 Seated Straddle
Foam Roll Quads and Hamstrings
CrossFit – Tue, Mar 25
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
General Warm-Up
3 Sets: for Quality
:15 Hollow Hold
20 Alternating V-Ups
:30 second Wall Support Handstand Hold
:15/:15 Single Arm Active Hang
8 Bar Kip Swings / Kipping Knee Raises / Alternating Toe to Bar
Gymnastics Skill (No Measure)
Gymnastics Skills
15 minute Handstand Walk Skill Session
Primer (Checkmark)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Workout Primer
2 Rounds
3-5 Toe to Bar or Movement Modification
5-10ft Handstand Walk or 1 Wall Walk
A Working Man (Time)
“A Working Man”
3 Rounds for Time
30 Toe to Bar
10m Handstand Walk (MRx = 10m Bear Crawl)
Score = Time
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal Time Domain: 7-11 minutes
Time Cap: 15 minutes
Primary Objective: Maintaining Consistent Sets on Toe to Bar. Goal is to finish each round of Toe to Bar in under 2:30
Secondary Objective: Unbroken 10ft (3m) Segments on the Handstand Walk or Complete Wall Walk Modification in under 1:00
Stimulus: Gymnastics Density / High Skill WOD
RPE: 8/10
– This is meant to be a technically challenging WOD that will challenge our skill capacity and endurance.
Workout Strategy Notes:
Power Snatch: Start off with a good touch and go set, before settling into quick singles to finish off the first 15 reps in order to bring heart rate down before getting on the rower.
On the final power snatch, we should be looking to tackle quick singles throughout, but if you have something in the tank, finish with a set of 3-5 Touch N’ Go.
Row: Maintain a strong pace that will still allow you to come off quickly and get right back on the barbell. Focus is to hold around 5k-2k pacing.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
As prescribed
Accessory Work (No Measure)
Core / Bodybuilding Finisher (To be completed as a part of class)
– Big Unbroken Set Inverted Rows
12-15 Dual Dumbbell Bicep Curls
Rest 30 seconds
– Big Unbroken Set Push-Ups
12-15 Tricep Kick Backs
Big Unbroken Set: = 10-12 Inverted Rows, 10-15 Push-Ups
*For those strong at push-ups add a deficit or load on your back
This can also be done with a weight vest
Recovery (Checkmark)
1-2 Sets
1:00/1:00 Banded Lat Stretch
1:00 Elevated Prayer Stretch
1:00 Seated Chest Stretch
Foam Roll Lats / Upper Back
CrossFit – Mon, Mar 24
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
General Warm-Up (8-10 min)
1:00 Row Easy
:30 Alternating Scorpion Stretch
:30 Alternating Iron Cross Stretch
:20/:20 Samson Lunge
2 Sets: For Quality
:40 Row Moderate to Hard, Building
10/10 Wrist Circles
10/10 Alternating Arm Swings
5 Hang Muscle Snatch + 5 Overhead Squats + 6-8 Reactive Quarter Squat Jumps
Barbell Prep (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach.
Specific Barbell Prep (5-7min)
*Add Loads: Barbell off the floor
Build over the Course of 3-4 sets to 70% performing Complex
Snatch Grip Deadlift to the Hip
Hang Squat Snatch
Squat Snatch
Hang Squat Snatch
Snatch (Time)
For Time
15 Power Snatch
500m Row
15 Power Snatch
Load: MRx 75/55lb, Rx 95/65lb, Rx+ 135/95lb
Score = Time
Overview / Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal Time Domain: 5-8 minutes
Time Cap: 10 minute
Primary Objective: Consistent barbell cycling and pace. Finish each set of 15 Power Snatch in under 2:00 minutes
Secondary Objective: Hard charging row at between 2-5k pace.
Stimulus: Barbell Cycling and Quad Stamina
RPE: 9/10
– This is meant to be a sprint effort while maintaining technical capacity on the barbell.
Workout Strategy Notes:
Power Snatch: Start off with a good touch and go set, before settling into quick singles to finish off the first 15 reps in order to bring heart rate down before getting on the rower.
On the final power snatch, we should be looking to tackle quick singles throughout, but if you have something in the tank, finish with a set of 3-5 Touch N’ Go.
Row: Maintain a strong pace that will still allow you to come off quickly and get right back on the barbell. Focus is to hold around 5k-2k pacing.
Snatch (Weightlifting
Squat Snatch Complex
For Load:
6 Sets
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Squat Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
3 Sets @ 70-75%
2 Sets @ 80%
1 Set @ 82%+)
xtra Instructions / Points of Performance
% is Based on 1RM Snatch
This complex must be unbroken. Focus on the bar remaining close and a snappy turnover into the catch. The primary goal today will be to hit the last set at over 80% of your 1RM Snatch.
We can look to modify this complex for newer athletes to 3 Hang Power Snatch + 3 Overhead Squats
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
Travel / Hotel WOD:
For Time
30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
500m Row
15 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch
Load: 50/35lb, 22.5/15kg
Accessory Work (No Measure)
Optional Accessories
3 Sets: For Quality
5 Lateral Banded Snatch Pulls
5 Single Leg Box Jumps
15-20 GHD Reverse Hypers *
*Can add load to GHD Reverse Hypers with Medball between feet
Recovery (Checkmark)
:30 second Puppy Dog Pose
1:00 Barbell Adductor Stretch
1:00/1:00 Scorpion Stretch
:30/:30 Thread The Needle Stretch
Foam Roll Lats and Upper Back
CrossFit – Sun, Mar 23
CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
3 Sets: For Quality
20/15 Push-Ups
100ft (30m) Farmers Carry
Rest 1:00
15 V-Ups
100ft (30m) Front Rack Carry
Rest 1:00
Choice on Loads
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