CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Warm-Up (No Measure)
To be completed at the instruction of the coach
General /Specific Movement Prep (8-10 minutes)
400m Run
2 Sets: For Quality
10 Alternating Box Step-Ups
8 Scapular Pull-Ups
6-8 Bar Kip Swings
10 second Tuck L-Hang
1 Wall Walk with 20 second Nose to Wall Hold
Spend 5 minutes on Toe to Bar Technique and Variations
The Walk of the Penguin (Time)
“The Walk of the Penguin”
5 Rounds for Time
400m Run (Bad Weather Sub = 500M Row)
20 Single Dumbbell Step-Overs
12 Toe to Bar
4 Wall Walks
Dumbbell: MRx 30/20lb, Rx 50/35lb
Box Height: 24/20in
Goals / Stimulus / Objectives
Goal : 24-30 minutes
Time Cap: 32 minutes
Primary Objective: Consistent pacing round to round
Secondary Objective: Manage grip and core endurance for unbroken or strategic sets on Toes-to-Bar + Stay efficient on Wall Walks without redlining.
Stimulus: Moderate intensity with longer, steady-state effort and moments of skill-based movement.
RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion): 7/10 – A grindy, aerobic workout with built-in skill-based elements.
Workout Strategy
Pacing Plan:
400m Run
Goal: Keep a steady aerobic pace (~70-75% effort).
Avoid a sprint mentality—this is a recovery piece before gymnastics.
Single Dumbbell Step-Overs (20 Reps)
Hold DB in a front-rack or suitcase position (switch sides each round).
Focus on keeping a tall torso to avoid excessive fatigue on the lower back.
Toes-to-Bar (12 Reps)
Goal: Unbroken or 6-6 / 4-4-4 to prevent burnout.
Fast kip rhythm—avoid excessive swinging.
Wall Walks (4 Reps)
Goal: Smooth & steady, no failed reps.
Pace these out—don’t rush into your next rep.
Focus on controlled breathing between movements.
Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)
As prescribed
Can use bench for step-overs
Accessory Work (No Measure)
5 Sets
:20 Copenhagen Plank, Right
-rest :20-
:20 Copenhagen Plank , Left
-rest :20-
:30 Hollow Hold
-rest :30 b/t sets-
Modify position on the copenhagen planks as needed to get the full working time frame in by putting your knee on the bench instead of your foot.
Recovery (Checkmark)
PRVN Yoga Flow
2 Rounds
Right Leg + Left Leg
:15 second Down Dog
:30 second Low Lunge
:15 second Elbow to Knee and Rotate
:15 second Reach to Sky and Hold
:30 second Half Kneeling Hamstring Stretch
:30 second Pigeon
CrossFit Games Open 25.3 RX’d: (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
5 wall walks
50-calorie row
5 wall walks
25 deadlifts
5 wall walks
25 cleans
5 wall walks
25 snatches
5 wall walks
50-calorie row
Time Cap: 20 Minutes*
F: 155-lb (70-kg) deadlift, 85-lb (38-kg) clean, 65-lb (29-kg) snatch
M: 225-lb (102-kg) deadlift, 135-lb (61-kg) clean, 95-lb (43-kg) snatch
*Rep count should be recorded in the comment box
To learn more about CrossFit Games Open 25.3 RX’d: (Ages 16-54) click here
CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Scaled: (Ages 16-54) (Time)
For time:
5 scaled wall walks
50-calorie row
5 scaled wall walks
25 deadlifts
5 scaled wall walks
25 cleans
5 scaled wall walks
25 snatches
5 scaled wall walks
50-calorie row
Time Cap: 20 Minutes*
F: 85-lb (38-kg) deadlift, 65-lb (29-kg) clean, 45-lb (20-kg) snatch
M: 135-lb (61-kg) deadlift, 95-lb (43-kg) clean, 65-lb (29-kg) snatch
*Rep count should be recorded in the comment box
To learn more about CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Scaled: (Ages 16-54) click here
CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Scaled Masters 55+ (Time)
For time:
5 scaled wall walks
50-calorie row
5 scaled wall walks
25 deadlifts
5 scaled wall walks
25 cleans
5 scaled wall walks
25 snatches
5 scaled wall walks
50-calorie row
Time Cap: 20 Minutes*
F: 125-lb (56-kg) deadlift, 65-lb (29-kg) clean, 45-lb (20-kg) snatch
M: 185-lb (83-kg) deadlift, 95-lb (43-kg) clean, 65-lb (29-kg) snatch
*Rep count should be recorded in the comment box
To learn more about CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Scaled Masters 55+ click here
CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Scaled Teenagers 14-15 and Masters 55+ (Time)
For time:
5 scaled wall walks
50-calorie row
5 scaled wall walks
25 deadlifts
5 scaled wall walks
25 cleans
5 scaled wall walks
25 snatches
5 scaled wall walks
50-calorie row
Time Cap: 20 Minutes*
F: 75-lb (34-kg) deadlift, 55-lb (25-kg) clean, 35-lb (15-kg) snatch
M: 95-lb (43-kg) deadlift, 65-lb (29-kg) clean, 45-lb (20-kg) snatch
*Rep count should be recorded in the comment box
To learn more about CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Scaled Teenagers 14-15 and Masters 55+ click here
CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Foundations (Time)
For time:
5 bear crawls
50 strokes on the rower
5 bear crawls
25 deadlifts
5 bear crawls
25 cleans
5 bear crawls
25 snatches
5 bear crawls
50 strokes on the rower
Time Cap: 20 Minutes*
F: 75-lb (34-kg) deadlift, 55-lb (25-kg) clean, 35-lb (15-kg) snatch
M: 95-lb (43-kg) deadlift, 65-lb (29-kg) clean, 45-lb (20-kg) snatch
The load is a suggested starting point. If you are completing all the workouts in the Foundations division, you are free to decrease or increase the load as your skill level allows
*Rep count should be recorded in the comment box
To learn more about CrossFit Games Open 25.3 Foundations click here