CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Split Jerk (Split Jerk
Every 90 seconds x 6 Sets
2 Reps @ 75%+)

Extra Instructions / Points of Performance

Stay vertical on the dip and drive while keeping the bar high on the chest in a quality front rack position. Focus on pressing under the bar with a firm lockout at the elbow. Tighten the core and then bring the feet back together on the recovery while still pressing into the barbell.

He Had to Split (Time)

“He Had to Split”

For Time:


Single Arm Dumbbell Push Press


Abmat Sit-Ups

Dumbbell: MRx 30/20, Rx 50/35

Goals / Objectives / Notes

Goal Time Domain: 5:00-7:00

Time Cap: 10:00

Primary Objective: Complete each set of Abmat Sit-Ups Unbroken

Secondary Objective: Keep all sets of the Dumbbell Push Press to 3 sets or less

Stimulus: Midline Conditioning and Overhead Press Muscular Endurance

RPE: 7/10

Notes: The goal today is to work on staying fast on the Dumbbell Push Press, locking our strong overhead with midline control throughout and biceps covering the ears with dumbbells over midline. Each set of Abmat Sit-Ups should be done quickly with the focus on fast repetitions, touching full overhead then touching the toes on each rep. The Single Arm DB Push Press reps are total (not per arm).

Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)

As prescribed

Accessory Work (No Measure)

5 Sets, For Quality

:20 second Supinated Chin Over Bar Hold

100ft (30m) Bearhug Sandbag Carry

8-10 Dumbbell Hammer Curls @ 3030 Tempo

-rest 1:00 b/t sets-

Load: Choice

Pick a load for today where you can perform the work unbroken

If you don’t have access to a sandbag, perform a dual kettlebell front rack carry at a heavy


Recovery (Checkmark)

1:00 Child’s Pose

1:00/1:00 Low Dragon Stretch

1:00/1: 00 Scorpion Stre tch

:30/: 30 Thread the Needle Stre tch

5/5 Side Lying Thoracic Rotations