CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

Squat Therapy (Time)

“Squat Therapy”

For Time, Complete with a Partner

30 Front Squats

1000m Run

60 Back Squats

1000m Run

90 Medball Cleans

Barbell Load: MRx 95/65lb, Rx 135/95lb

Medball : MRX 14/10, Rx 20/14lb

Goal: Complete the workout in 20:00-25:00 minutes

Time Cap: 30:00

Stimulus: Leg Stamina and Muscular Endurance

Primary Objective: Complete each round of the Squatting movement in equal proportions with your partner in sets of 5+ for each movement. We should see sets of 5 for the Front Squat, 10 for Back Squat and 15 or so for medball cleans.

Secondary Objective: Keep the run in as close to 5:00 minutes as possible.

This workout will begin with one athlete cleaning the barbell into a Front Squat and completing a set of Front Squats before having their partner tackle the barbell. We will work through this until 30 reps are completed. Then both athletes will run together for the 1000m before coming in and cleaning the barbell to the front rack and punching underneath to back-rack the barbell and complete sets of Back Squats until 60 reps are completed. The athletes will then again move into the run with some real fatigue in the legs, before circling back around and finishing the workout with a challenging 90 medball cleans to really finish off the legs and challenge your ability to maintain positions as your quads are on fire.

Travel/Hotel/Limited Equipment (No Measure)


20 Dumbbell Front Squats

1000m Run

40 Goblet Squats

1000m Run

100 Air Squats

Loads: Choice

Recovery (Checkmark)

:30sec/:30sec KB Calf Smash

1:00/1:00 Half Kneeling Hamstring Str etch

1:00/1:00 Tall Dragon Stretch

1:00 Standing Forward Fold

1:00 Updog Pose

Accessory Work (No Measure)

5 Sets, For Quality:

10-15 GHD Sit-Ups

:30 seconds GHD Hip Extensions w/ Rotation