CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“The soul is like a bowl of water.” – Epictetus

It’s ok to get ruffled sometimes.

We are indeed human, and we will get emotional too.

The analogy that Epictetus depicts for us is that even though we can be rocked, knocked around, shaken… through disciplined stillness, we can *always* find emotional stability. The visual is quite relatable: a bowl of water, disturbed from some event, has ripples running throughout it. It’s not at rest.

But with disciplined focus and effort, we can regain stillness. Often faster than we think.

In the moments where we are most shaken, remind ourselves of this visual. No matter how bad things get, everything is recoverable.

Pull up warm up (No Measure)

2 x 5 reps of negatives
2 x 5 reps of box assist kipping
2 x 5 reps of strict pull ups into…
5 CTB pull ups into
5 butterfly pull ups

Back Squat (Back Squat

Set 1: 3 Back Squats @ 60%
Set 2: 3 Back Squats @ 68%
Set 3: 8 Back Squats @ 73%
Set 4: 8 Back Squats @ 73%
Set 5: Max Back Squats @ 68%

Rest 1 Minute Between Sets)

– Barbell should come from a rack.

– Each set must be completed unbroken. Pausing between reps is permitted.

– The weights will increase for sets 1, 2 , and 3. The weight will be the same for sets 3 and 4. The weight will then drop back down for your max set.

– Score: Reps completed for max set.


1:00 Bottom Of Air Squat Hold

10 Air Squats

30s Empty Barbell Bottom of Back Squat Hold

10 Empty Barbell Back Squats

5 Back Squats (Light Weight)

3 Back Squats (Moderate Weight)

*Build to 60%


– Box Squat

– Front Squat

Optimus Prime (AMRAP – Reps)

“Optimus Prime”



On the Minute [Starting at 1:00]:

5 Deadlifts

WB-MRx: 14/12, Rx & Rx+: 20/14

BB-MRx: 185/115, Rx: 205/135, Rx+: 225/155
– Overview: This is a repeat workout from 8/15/22. Athletes will grind through this workout at their threshold pace. The challenge here will be, can you hold on for unbroken sets of deadlifts and bigger sets of wallballs throughout.

– Wallballs: Athletes should be able to complete at least 20 wallballs unbroken when fresh if using Rx weight.

– Deadlifts: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM deadlift. Reps should be completed in less than 20s each minute.

– Note: This workout STARTS on the WALLBALLS.

– Score: Total wallball reps.

– Aim for unbroken sets of deadlifts.

– Have a number of wallballs you’d like to complete each round. A solid number would be somewhere between 15 and 25 reps. From there, you can choose to break things up right from the start or go for big sets for as long as you can. The first round, you can bank a few extra reps.

– Pick a minimum number of wallballs you know you can always pick the ball up and do no matter what. Say this number is 5 reps. If at any point you are feeling gassed, count 5s, then pick up the ball and do 5 reps, this way, you can minimize your breaks.

– Always leave about 5-10s to transition between your last wallball to the deadlifts.



– Reduce Reps/Loading/Target Height

– Sub Single Dumbbell Thrusters

– Sub Empty Barbell Thrusters


– Reduce Reps/Loading

– Sub Dumbbells