CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Build before you have to.” – James Clear
We are creatures that respond very, very well to pressure situations.
If we are studying for a test, cramming the day before tends to nearly be “magical”. Under such external pressures, we create this urgency that drives results.
But – what if we don’t need that external pressure?
What if we can create it for ourselves, internally, for everyday use?
What a weapon that would be.
Build the skill set before you need to use it.
Build the knowledge before you need to know it.
Be ahead of the game. So that when it comes, we’re playing it, and not vice versa.
Create the urgency today through a commitment to ourselves. Always an eager student.
Power Clean (Set 1: 3 Power Cleans @ 70% + 5 Broad Jumps
Set 2: 2 Power Cleans @ 76% + 5 Jumps
Set 3: 1 Power Clean @ 82% + 5 Jumps
Set 4: 3 Power Cleans @ 80% + 5 Jumps
Set 5: 2 Power Cleans @ 85% + 5 Jumps
Set 6: 1 Power Cleans @ 88% )
*Rest 1 Minute Between Sets
– All cleans must be caught above parallel. Reps can be performed touch and go or as singles.
– Broad jumps should be performed immediately following the last power clean each set.
– Score: Enter heavy set of 1 Rep at 88%
With An Empty Barbell:
5 Good Mornings
5 Bent Over Row
5 Deadlifts
5 Hang Power Cleans
5 Power Cleans
With A Light Weight:
3 Power Cleans
3 Broad Jumps
– Reduce Percentages
– Reduce Reps
– Remove Unbroken Rule
– Hang Power Clean
– Sub Dumbbells
– Reduce Reps
– Squat Jumps
– Box Jumps
Secret Formula (4 Rounds for reps)
“Secret Formula”
4 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
20 Burpees Over Rower
500/400 Meter Row
Max Power Cleans MRx:95/55,Rx:115/75, Rx+:135/95
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds.
– Overview: In this interval workout, athletes will be challenged to push the pace to gain as much time on the barbell as possible.
– Burpees Over Rower: A two foot take off is not required but athletes should jump over the rower. Reps should take 1:30 or less.
– Row: The 500/400m should take 2:00 or less.
– Power Cleans: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM power clean. Athletes should have at least 30s on the barbell.
– Score: Enter power clean reps completed each round.
– Let’s complete our burpees at a slightly more aggressive pace than we feel typically feel “comfortable” with. We want to maximize our time on the barbell so making quick work of the burpees will be key.
– Use the first 30s (~100m) to recover from the burpees then aim to pick things up a bit.
– Quick singles or smaller sets on the barbell will be the quickest way to get the hands on the bar. If time is running out, aim to hit one bigger set.
– Reduce Reps
– Burpees + Step-Over Rower
– Bar Lateral Burpees
– Burpee To Target
– Burpees
– 20/16 Cal Bike Erg
– 16/13 Cal Assault or Echo Bike
500/400 METER ROW
– Reduce Distance
– 400/350m Ski
– 1,000/800m Bike
– 400m Run
– 300m Air Run
– Reduce Loading
– Reduce Reps
– Hang Power Cleans
– Dumbbells Power Cleans
– Kettlebell Hang Power Cleans