CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Driving me Crazy!! (AMRAP – Reps)
With only 4 minutes per station, do as many reps as possible of each movement below:
– floor wipers MRx: 65/55; Rx: 95/65; Rx+: 135/95
– 200m ski
– rollouts
– 200m ski
– getup situps 25/15 (plates)
– 200m ski
– bumper curl 25/15
– 200m ski
– bumper tri (overhead) 25/15
– 200m ski
– bumper steering wheel (shoulder/eye level) 25/15
– 200m ski
– use the plate to help you get up from the floor in getup sit-up (if you have difficulty, do the sit-up, stand, and sit back down)
– go as far out as you can with the rollouts
– hold the bumper plate with both hands to do both the curl and tri
– hold the bumper plate with both hands bring up to shoulder level, turn it as far to the right then to the left as you can = one rep.