CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Inside Out (Time)
1000M Bike
25 Pull Ups
2000M Row
50 Air Squats
1000M Ski
50 Push Ups
100 Double Unders (200 Singles)
100 Ab Mat Sit-Ups
Chip away at your cardio work here. Finding a pace just below sprint and and working on consistency.
Pull ups can be kipping or butterfly.
Air Squats MUST be to a ball or box to get below parallel.
Push Ups MUST touch chest to floor and full extension up top for Rx.
Ab Mats must keep your hips on the mat and touch hands overhead and to toes to complete the sit ups.
Ski, Row, Bike Double Unders all can reduce meters or sub for a different cardio for the same time frame.
Double Unders -200 Singles, line Hops, 50 Box Step ups.
Pull Ups- banded, box assisted, jumping negatives.
Push ups- Bar push ups, bench, plank shoulder taps.
Air Squats- To a BoxOR Ball, or Wall Sits.
AbMat Sit Ups- Crunches or Dead Bug.
Mobility Time (No Measure)
Puppy Pose with Frog Stretch
Shoulder to Floor
Wrist Stretches
Pigeon Pose
Spiderman Hold
Couch Stretch
Take some time to recover andstretch out today and stay in each stretch for 3-5 deep breaths.