CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Choices reveal our intentions.”

Every choice we make today is a vote in a certain direction.

If we choose to hit the snooze button today, we are more likely to hit it again tomorrow.

If we choose to have the snack we shouldn’t be having today, we’re more likely to have the same tomorrow.

If we choose to allow negative thoughts to take hold in our mind, we’re more likely to let additional ones consume the rest of our lives.

We realize that the choices we make ultimately will result in the person we become.

Accountable to our thoughts, responsible to our actions.

Bench Press (Bench Press

On the 1:30 x 7 Sets:
Set 1: 5 Reps @ 78%
Set 2: 3 Reps @ 81%
Set 3: 1 Rep @ 84%
Set 4: 5 Reps @ 81%
Set 5: 3 Reps @ 84%
Set 6: 1 Rep @ 87%
Set 7: 1 Rep @ 90%

– Barbell should be taken from a rack.

– Athletes are responsible for changing out their weights between sets.

– If you don’t have a spotter, do not use collars on the bar for safety incase you miss a rep.

– Score: Enter weights used for each set.

Warm Up

10 Push-Ups

10 Empty Barbell Bench Press

5 Reps @ Light Weight

3 Reps @ Moderate Weight

…Keep building (If needed) in sets of 2-3 to your opening weight.


– Reduce Percentages

– Floor Press

– Sub Dumbbells

Albacore (Time)


For Time:
800 Meter Row
80 GHD Sit-ups
500 Meter Row
50 Push-ups
300 Meter Row
30 Toes to Bar

Time Cap: 20 Minutes

– Conditioning Category: Threshold. Athletes should move through this workout at their maximal sustainable pace.

– Row: The 800m row should take less than 4:00. The 500m row should take less than 2:30. The 300m row should take less than 2:00. 

– GHDSU: Should be completed in less than 4:00.

– Push-Ups: Should be completed in less than 4:00.

– Toes To Bar: Should be completed in less than 4:00.  

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout. If capped, add 1s for every missed rep.
– Pace the rows in a way that will allow you to push the other 3 movements. Somewhere around your 2k time trial pace or slightly slower than that is a great place to be.

– Settle into a steady pace on the GHDSU. Taking breaks as needed can be helpful to keep your sets and pace consistent.

– Our strategy on the push-ups will depend on our capacity. One bigger set followed by some smaller sets or quick small sets right from the start, are both great options for this one.

– Similar to the push-ups, our strategy on the toes to bar willdepend on our capacity. Keep in mind the shoulders, midline, and grip will be feeling fatigued at the end of this workout. Expect to need more breaks than usual here. Quick small sets are a great way to finish out this workout.


800-500-300 METER ROW

– 650-400-250m Ski

– 1600-1000-600m Bike (Any)

– 650-400-250m Run

– 500-300-200m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– Weighted Sit-Ups

– Sit-Ups


– Reduce Reps

– Elevate Hands

– Knee Push-Ups

– Dumbbell Bench Press


– Reduce Reps

– Toes To As High As Possible

– Knees To Chest

– V-Ups

– Sit-Ups