CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Pain versus Discomfort”

There is a common misconception about pain.

Pain is not what we feel inside of a conditioning workout, or the tail end of a heavy squat set.

Real pain is different.

Pain is when we are walking through the garage and stepping on a nail.

Pain is when we lose a limb.

Real pain is when we lose a loved one.

What we feel inside conditioning sets is not pain… It’s discomfort.

Training isn’t painful. It’s uncomfortable at times, but – it’s not pain.

Let’s use this as a perspective change as we enter today’s training.

Today, we’ll get uncomfortable.

Clean and Jerk Complex (5 Rounds for weight)

Clean & Jerk Complex

On the 3:00 x 5 Sets:
3 Hang Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks

– Athletes must hold onto the barbell for the entire complex.

– With the score being total load over the 5 sets, the aim here is to lift heavier weights across. 

– Score: Enter weights for each set. Overall score will be the sum total.
Warm Up

With An Empty Barbell:

5 Good Mornings

5 Strict Presses

5 Deadlifts

5 Power Cleans

5 Front Squats

5 Squat Cleans

5 Push Jerks

With A Light Weight:

3 Hang Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks

With A Moderate Weight:

2 Hang Power Cleans + 2 Front Squats + 2 Push Jerks

…Make more jumps completing 1-2 reps of each movement if needed until you reach your opening weight.

Lego Land (Time)

“Lego Land”

4 Rounds For Time:
25-20-15-10 Burpees Over Rower
500/450 Meter Row
75 Double Unders

Time Cap: 20 Minutes

– Conditioning Category: Threshold. Athletes should aim to move through this workout at their maximal sustain able pace.

– Burpees Over Rower: These are performed laterally to the rower (face the monitor). A two foot take off is not required but athletes must jump over the rower. Each rounds of burpees should take less than 3:00, 2:30, 2:00, and 1:30 respectively.

– Row: Should be completed in less than 2:15 each round. 

– Double Unders: Should be completed in less than 2:00 each round.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout. If capped, add 1s for every incomplete rep (Every 100m = 1 rep).
– On all of these movements, we want to pick a pace we can sustain throughout the 4 rounds.

– Let’s find a steady pace on the burpees and stick to it.

– Let’s recover from the burpees during the first 30s of the row then aim to pick things up a bit from there. Right around 5 seconds slower than your 2k time trial pace is a great place to be.

– Let’s plan a break or 2 on the dubs if you know it will help you stick to your burpee pace. If you are confident you can hold your burpee pace and go unbroken on the dubs, let’s do it.



– 20-15-10-5 Reps

– Burpee Step-Overs

– Burpee Over A Line

– Burpee To Target

– Regular Burpees

500/450 METER ROW

– Reduce Meters

– 400/350m Ski

– 1000/900m Bike

– 400m Run

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– 2:00 Time Cap

– 115 Single Unders

– 75 Plate Hops

– 1:30 Effort On Any Machine