CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment, action for the common good in the present moment, and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.” – Marcus Aurelius

Perception, Good Action, and Gratitude.

Written nearly two thousand years ago, these three disciplines apply to our lives just as much today as back then.

Perception – In 20/20 hindsight, everyone has the right answer. But in the present moment, things can go south. What creates the difference – our emotional state. Control our emotions, and we’ll find clarity of judgment in the present.

Good Action – Perception is one thing, but it’s another to take the leap of action. Square ourselves off to the opportunity in front, and make it count. Every time. We never waste our failures. Worth writing twice, we never waste our failures.

Gratitude – Through the lens of gratitude, everything is a gift. Change this, and the world changes around us.

Josh Open Style (Time)


In a 15 Minute Window…
For Time:
21-15-9 Overhead Squats Mrx: 75/45, Rx:95/65
42-30-18 Pull-ups  

In Time Remaining:
Heavy Set of 5 Overhead Squat (From The Floor)

– Conditioning Category: High Threshold + Lift. Athlete should aim to move at their highest maximal sustainable pace in the first part of the workout. They will then complete a lift in the second half of the workout.

– Overhead Squats: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM overhead squat. Athletes should be able to complete each round in 2 sets or less.

– Pull-Ups: Athletes should be able to complete each round of pull-ups in sets of 5 or more. 

– Heavy 5 Overhead Squat: Athletes should use the same bar as the one they used for the first part of the workout. Athletes can squat snatch their first rep or they can power snatch, then begin their overhead squats.

– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout. Log your heavy 5 overhead squat on the next piece (next slide).
– Aim for bigger sets on the overhead squats. Taking breaks on this movement can take about 10 seconds or more before picking up the bar again. Let’s try to minimize these breaks here.

– Your pull-up strategy will come down to your capacity. If you can string together bigger sets while maintaining your big sets on the barbell, let’s do that. If you know your pull-ups tend to break down quickly or they will affect your overhead squats, let’s break these up more. A break on the pull-up bar takes typically less than 10 seconds.

– Transitions will be key here. Be smooth and get each movement started as quickly as possible.

– For the overhead squat portion, let’s have a “safe” weight, a “goal” weight, and a “reach” weight in mind. If you have more time, feel free to hit more lifts between. Typically we want about 1:00 between these attempts. Have your weights laid out and ready to go before you start the workout.

Warm Up

5 Empty Barbell Power Snatches

5 Empty Barbell Squat Snatches

5 Empty Barbell Overhead Squats


Feel out weights up to your opening set of 5 overhead squats for the second part of the workout. Hit sets of 2-3 reps as you build.


5 Workout Weight Overhead Squats

5 Pull-Ups



– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Reps

– Sub Single Dumbbell OHS

– Sub Single Kettlebell OHS

– Front Squats


– Reduce Reps

– 21-15-9 Strict Pull-Ups

– Banded Pull-Ups

– Ring Rows

– Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows

Overhead Squat (Overhead Squat

Record Heavy Set of 5 Here

– Barbell taken from the floor.

– Squat snatching the first rep will count as your first overhead squat.

– Score: Enter heaviest set of 5.

Beast Accessory (Time)

Beast Accessory

3 Sets of 12 Reps:

A. Barbell Curl

B. Bulgarian Split Squat (Each Leg)

C. GHD Sit Ups

* After each round complete 2 Rope Climbs
This is accessory work. Even though it is for time, do quality work here.

Subs for Rope Climb:

2 Pull Ups, 2 Burpees = 1 Rope Climb