CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass… It’s about learning to dance in the rain.” – Vivian Greene
Let’s not wait for the perfect time.
Let’s instead just create it.
“Just start”. We’ve used this approach in our strategy pieces. As we transition from the double-under rope to the wallballs, let’s just start. If we can remove that moment of hesitation, we quickly find those first repetitions are always there… and more. We surprise ourselves with a set of 15 reps, when we could have bet our lives that we might fail the first.
We can either await the picture perfect moment, or we can get outside and create it.
Big Clean Complex (5 Rounds for weight)
“Big Clean Complex”
On the 3:00 x 5 Sets:
3-Position Squat Clean + 1 Push Press
3-Position Squat Clean + 1 Push Jerk
3-Position Squat Clean + 1 Split Jerk
Position 1: Pockets
Position 2: 1-Inch Above The Knee
Position 3: Floor
– Athletes are required to hold onto the bar for the entire complex before dropping.
– Squat cleans are required here as well.
– Start light and aim to build in weight slightly each set. Athlete can use the same weight multiple times if needed.
– Score: Enter weights used for each set.
Warm Up
With An Empty Barbell:
5 Good Mornings
5 Deadlifts
5 Power Cleans
5 Front Squats
5 Squat Cleans
5 Strict Presses
5 Push Presses
5 Push Jerks
With A Light Weight:
1 Full Complex
With A Moderate Weight:
3-Position Clean + 1 Push Press
…Make more jumps if needed until you reach your opening weight.
– Remove Unbroken Rule
– Sub Power Cleans
– Sub Dumbbells
CFO (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
5 Rounds x AMRAP 3:
3 Power Cleans-MRx:95/55,Rx:115/75,+:135/95
6 Handstand Push-ups
9 Wallballs MRx: 14/10, Rx: 20/14
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds.
– Conditioning Category: Threshold. Athletes would aim to move at their maximal sustainable pace throughout.
– Workout Flow: Athletes will complete 5 AMRAP 3’s resting 1:00 between each AMRAP. Athletes will always pick up where they left off in the previous round. For example, if you finish in the middle of HSPU, you’ll pick back up on the HSPU after the 1:00 rest.
– Power Cleans: Loading should not exceed 65% of your 1RM power clean. Reps should take less than 30 seconds each round.
– HSPU: Can be performed kipping or strict. Reps should take less than 1:00 each round.
– Wallballs: Reps should take less than 1:00 each round.
– Score: Total rounds + reps completed over the course of the entire workout.
– Singles and touch and go sets are both solid strategies for this workout. Let’s choose our strategy based off of what will allow for big or unbroken sets of HSPU and wallballs.
– Aim to complete the handstand push-ups in 1-2 sets. Keep your break short if you know you’ll need one.
– Aim for unbroken wallballs each round.
– There are lots of transitions in this workout so let’s try to make sure our stations are close together.
Warm Up
With Light Weights…
3 Power Cleans
9 Wallballs
With Workout Weights…
3 Power Cleans
9 Wallballs
– Reduce Loading
– Sub Dumbbells
– Reduce Reps
– Use 2″ Riser
– Use 5″ Riser
– Sub Dumbbell Push Presses
– Sub Pike Push-Ups
– Sub Push-Ups
– Reduce Reps
– Reduce Loading
– Reduce Target Height
– Sub Single Dumbbell Thrusters
– Sub Squat Jumps