CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Crossing the River Styx (Time)
3 rds for time: 12 reps for each movement
– roll out push up hold, then roll to extension
– roll out, plank hold, knees 2 elbows (6/6)
– 1-hand roll out to push up, arms above head (6/6)
– 1-hand roll out to push up, arms to 45 (6/6)
– 1-hand roll out to push up, arms to 90 (6/6)
– floor upside down/vertical knee-ins
– hanging single leg raise – up/up down/down
– double db calf raise w/curl MRx: 15/5; Rx: 20/10; Rx+: 25/15
– double db OH hollow body pulses (2s hold) MRx: 15/5; Rx: 20/10; Rx+: 25/15
– single db pullover & knees 2 chest MRx: 15/5; Rx: 20/10; Rx+: 25/15