CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Double Back (Time)
3 Rounds:
4 Weighted Box Step Ups (each leg)
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Push Jerks
1 Rope Climb
150 Double Unders
3 Rounds:
4 Weighted Box Step Ups (each leg)
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Push Jerks
1 Rope Climb
150 Double Unders
3 Rounds:
4 Weighted Box Step Ups (each leg)
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Push Jerks
1 Rope Climb
Dumbbells: MRx: 30/15, Rx: 40/25, Rx+: 50/35
Barbell: MRx: 95/55, Rx: 135/75, Rx+: 155/105
Box Height: 24/20
– Barbell: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM push jerk. All barbell movements combined should take less than 1:00 each round.
– Rope Climbs: Should be completed in less than 1:00 each round.
– Double Unders: Each set of 150 should take less than 2:30 to complete.
– Score: Total time it takes to complete the workout.
– We have a few options for the barbell movements:
*Try to hold onto the bar for both movements each round.
– Let’s focus on taking as little pulls as possible to get up the rope each round. This will require us to be a little more patient with each clamp to be sure our feet don’t slide as we stand.
– If double unders tend to tire you out, let’s plan some breaks either every 30 reps, every 50 reps, or at halfway.
– There are lots of transitions between the bar and the rope. Let’s see how quick we can get our hands on the dumbbells/barbell after each rope climb as this will be the most seamless transition.
@ Moderate Weight:
4 Box Step Ups
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Push Jerks
1 Rope
10 Double Unders
@ Workout Weight:
4 Box Step Ups
3 Hang Power Cleans
2 Push Jerks
1 Rope
10 Double Unders
– Reduce Loading
– No Weight
– Lower Box Height
– Reduce Loading
– Sub Dumbbells
– 1/2 Rope Climb
– 5 Strict Chin-Ups = 1 Rope
– 5 Toes To Bar = 1 Rope
– 5 Bar-Facing Burpees = 1 Rope
– Reduce Reps
– 2:30 Time Cap
– 225 Single Unders
– 2:30 Effort On Ski, Bike, Row, or Run
“Motivation can get you started. Commitment is what keeps you going.” – Jim Rohn
Motivation feels good.
It makes things feel… easy.
When we’re motivated, productivity just flows. But what’s challenging about it, is that motivation isn’t always there. Let’s be real about it. It’s not an everyday thing. We’re going to have tough days.
We recognize anything in life that’s worth working towards won’t be easy. And it will not be a matter of if, but when, we are challenged and tested to the core. In this moment, motivation may very well not be there for us…. chances are actually highly likely that it won’t be.
What will always be there however, is our commitment.
Our success can be drawn back to the level of commitment to the little things. “Discipline” is not reserved for the military or martial arts – it is our anchor for seeing us through the storm. It will never be a single action that makes us. It’s instead hundreds and thousands of smaller decisions, repeated time and time again, through dedicated commitment.
Let’s be aware of the habits and commitments we hold ourselves to. Whereas motivation is a short-term fix, commitments to daily healthy habits guide us through the inevitable storms.
What are 3 daily habits you consider to be “non-negotiables?” These can be related to anything between training, health, life, relationships, etc. For example, “each day, I complete my 10 minute mobility routine, eat vegetables at every meal, and put screens away 90 minutes before bedtime.” Regardless of feeling motivated or not, your day does not feel complete without these things. If you haven’t formed these habits yet, let’s think of 3 things we can start doing today to help keep you focused on the hard days.