CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If you set your bar at “amazing,” it’s awfully difficult to start.” – Seth Godin
Comparing ourselves to others is a double-edged sword.
We always want to learn from our peers and mentors. The inspirational fuel we can draw is endless, and enormously helpful in reaching our goals.
But when we *compare* ourselves to someone who has already reached their success, it can often leave us feeling like we lack the required resources to get started at all. We see their optimal setup surrounding them, and convince ourselves that we need “that” to get there. It can be dismantling. In a devastating way. Often preventing someone from even trying in the first place.
It’s here we need to fight off the obsession of the perfect setup, and remind ourselves of the single resource that matters: simple, hard, work. If we can become obsessed with just that, the rest tends to just fall into place.
The world-class set of golf clubs doesn’t teach a proper swing. Practice does.
When was the last time you caught yourself comparing yourself to someone else? What were you comparing? How did it make you feel?
Back Squat (Back Squat
5 Sets:
3 Reps @ 75-80%
– Regular back squats today! No pauses or tempos. Bar taken from a rack.
– Rest as needed between sets.
– Score: Enter heaviest set. Record sets/reps in your notes.
10 Empty Barbell Back Squats
2-3 Light Reps
2-3 Moderate Reps
Dr. Evil (8 Rounds for reps)
8 Rounds x AMRAP 2:
20/15 Calorie Bike Erg
Max Burpee Box Jump Overs (24″/20″)
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds.
– Conditioning Category: Threshold
– Bike: Cals should be completed in less than 1:30.
– Burpee Box Jump Overs: Athletes should have at least 30 seconds to complete as many reps as possible.
– Score: Enter reps completed each round. Overall score will be the sum total.
– While we want to push the bike to buy us some time on the box, let’s think of this as an 80-85% effort. We want to leave enough in the tank to be able to get right to work on the burpee box jump overs.
– Have a goal to complete the same number of burpee box jump overs each round. This likely means going a little slower than you think out the gate since we only get 1 minute to rest between rounds.
10/8 Cal Bike
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
– Reduce Cals
– 20/15 Cal Row
– 15/12 Cal Assault or Echo Bike
– 15/12 Cal Ski
– 20 x 10m Shuttle Runs
– 15/12 Cal Air Run
– Reduce Reps
– Burpee Box Step-Overs
– Burpee To Target
– Burpees