CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit


“Death is one prophecy that hasn’t failed.” – Edmund Wilson

Have you ever been asked, “What would you do if you only had a week to live?”

Few things will snap us to attention like the thought of a terminal illness. The question leaves us considering how different our lives would be if we only had days to live.

But the morbid truth, is that we *all* have a terminal death sentence. It won’t be a matter of if, but when. Let’s not let a day go by, where we allow this thought to wash away to ignorance. We get one shot… let’s make it count.

Shoulder Press (Strict Press

5 Sets:
3 Reps @ 70-75% of 1RM Strict Press

*Rest As Needed Between Sets

– Just regular strict presses today. No pauses or tempos.

– Score: Enter heaviest set.

10 Empty Barbell Strict Presses

2-3 Light Reps

2-3 Moderate Reps

Oooo Yeah! (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Oooh Yeah!”

On the 2:00 x 10 Sets:
.5 KM Bike Erg
AMRAP “Macho Man” MRx: 105/55, Rx: 115/75, Rx+: 135/95

Macho Man:
3 Power Cleans
3 Front Squats
3 Push Jerks
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Bike: Should be completed by the 1:15 mark each round.

– “Macho Man”: Loading should not exceed 70% of your 1RM push jerk.

– Note: Pick up where you left off on “Macho Man” each round. For example, if you get through 3 cleans + 1 front squat before needing to get back on the bike, you’ll pick back up on the front squats after the bike.

– Score: Total rounds + reps of “Macho Man.”

– The main goal in this workout is to push the barbell. Let’s bike at a pace that allows us to do so every round.

– While most athletes can probably hold on for unbroken “Macho Man” complexes, we want to be sure to keep our heart rate under control throughout this workout.

– If the heart rate spikes too high above threshold on the barbell, it is highly likely that we’ll need to slow down our bike pace and that will cost us time on the scored part of the workout (the barbell reps).


500m Bike

1 Round of “Macho Man” (Light Weight)


500m Bike

1 Round of “Macho Man” (Workout Weight)



– Reduce Meters

– 250m Row

– 200m Ski

– 200m Run

– 150m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells