CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Champions aren’t addicted to tomorrow because they are too busy focusing on today.” – Nick Saban
To a certain extent, everyone understands the logic behind staying present.
They understand the benefits of focusing on the here and now, void of concern, worry, and speculation of what’s “next”.
Yet when the heat is on, it’s also quite clear to all of us that this is an easier said than done task, where many struggle… and fall.
The root of this problem is something we can all relate to – fear.
The False Reality Appearing Real.
The incorrect belief that we need to act or perform a certain way today, or we won’t reach our goals tomorrow. This is where, in those moments where the mind wanders, we want to center ourselves on something specific:
The goal is not to be perfect tomorrow.
The goal is to be better… today.
Strict Weighted Pull Ups (Weight)
Strict Weighted Pull-ups
3-5 Sets:
2-5 Strict Weighted Pull-ups
Rest 3 Minutes Between Sets.
– Use a weight belt or squeeze a dumbbell between the feet or thighs or “back pack” banded weight.
– Reps should be completed unbroken each set.
– Both hands must be over the bar to mark score RX. Mixed grip pull-ups or chin-ups will be considered scaled.
– Score: Enter heaviest set of pull-ups. Record sets and reps in your notes.
5 Strict Pull-Ups
3 Light Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
1-2 Moderately Weighted Strict Pull-Ups
– Remove Weight
– Use Bands
– Chin-Ups
– Mixed Grip Pull-Ups
Great Balls of Fire (Calories)
“Great Balls of Fire”
Max Calorie Echo Bike
On the Minute [Starting at 0:00]:
10 Wallballs
MRx: 14/12, Rx: 20/14
– WALLBALLS: Unbroken sets. Less than 30s.
– BIKE: 30-45s effort each minute.
– SCORE: Total Calories
– While we want to push the pace on the bike, we need to find a pace we can hold over the course of the 15 minutes.
– We also want to be sure that our pace on the bike isn’t so aggressive that it causes us to break on the wallballs.
– Quick transitions are key here as well.
10 Wallballs
30s Echo Bike
– Max Cals On Any Other Machine
– Max Shuttle Runs
– Max Meter Air Run
– Reduce Load
– Reduce Reps
– Single Dumbbell Thrusters
– Squat Jumps
Skill Practice (AMRAP – Reps)
Skill Practice
10 Minutes of Jump Rope or Single Leg Skill Practice
* Single Leg Squats
* Unbroken Single Leg Squats
* Double Unders
* Double Under Crossovers
* Triple Unders
– Choose one for today that you believe will benefit you most as an athlete! We’ll practice skills all year, so there is no right or wrong.
– Score: Enter number of reps/attempts completed and record what you did/how you did them in your notes so you can keep track throughout the year.
– Single Leg Squats To A Box
– Single Leg Squats Off A Box
– Pole Assisted Single leg Squats