CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Comparison is the death of joy.” – Mark Twain

We are indeed out to destroy someone’s standards.
Our own, of yesterday.

The opposite of comparison isn’t forfeit, failure, or complacency.
It’s participation.
It’s the act of joining arms with other like-minded individuals in the pursuit of our *own next best version*.

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Olivia (Time)

4 Rounds for Time:

21/15 calorie Ski

15 Hip Extensions

15 Calf Raises (on a plate)

15 Bench Dips

15 M&M’s

15 American KB Swings

KB-MRx: 25/15, Rx: 35/25, Rx+: 53/35
-Find steady pace to work through each movement.

-Spend time on form and full extension

-Hip extensions can be done with a kb weight, single leg, or dumbbell


Childs Pose



Down Dog


Wide Leg Forward Fold

Prayer Squat

Cross Leg Forward Fold

Corpse Pose