CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Don’t set your heart on so many things.” – Epictetus

At first glance, this almost sounds demoralizing. Yet at the core of this statement is a cause that is so pure: to put “first things first”.

A modern mantra of our lives is that “we can have it all”. Work, family, purpose, success, leisure time. We want all of it… at the same time… and right now.

The pitfall is not the act of having multiple desires, but the lack of prioritization of them. In a world where it’s about the constant pursuit of more, we can lose ourselves in the fog. And where *everything* is important… Nothing is important.

Take a moment today to contemplate our priorities. Are we focused on the right things?

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Back Squat (Build to a heavy single)

Back Squat

Build to Heavy Single

– Barbell will come from a rack.

– Rest as needed between attempts.

– Score: Enter your heavy single.


With An Empty Barbell

10 Back Squats


1-2 Back Squats @ 50%

1-2 Back Squats @ 60%

1-2 Back Squats @ 70%

1 Back Squat @ 80%

1 Back Squat @ 85%

….Keep building with small jumps until you reach your heavy single for the day.


– Sub Dumbbell Front Squats

My Leg! (AMRAP – Reps)

“My Leg!”

15 Minutes For Total Reps:

5 Minute Max Bike Erg Calories

4 Minute Max Air Squats

3 Minute Max Double Unders

2 Minute Max Toes to Bar

1 Minute Max Burpees
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold

– Bike Erg: Damper setting can be set to wherever athletes are able to hold 70 RPM or higher.

– Air Squats: Athletes should squat until the hip travel below the knees and should also be sure to open the hips fully at the top.

– Double Unders: Athletes should be able to string together sets of 15 double unders or more to perform as Rx.

– Toes To Bar: Athletes should be able to complete their toes to bar in sets of 5 or more within the workout.

– Burpee To Target: Burpee below a pull-up bar, door way, or set of rings that is 6 inches above your reach.

– Score: Enter reps completed at each station. Overall score will be total reps.

– Pick a goal number of calories you’d like to accumulate each minute. For guys, this might be anywhere from 15-20 cals per minute. For ladies this might be anywhere from 10-15 cals per minute.

– Athletes can aim to find a steady pace for the air squats. Aim for 30+ reps per minute. We can bank a good amount of reps on this station toward our overall score so this is a good place to push.

– The double unders are another place athletes can bank a solid amount of reps. Aim for 30s bursts with quick breaks or break every 30+ reps to shake things out.

– For the toes to bar, choose a strategy that will allow for as minimal resting as possible. Aim for 5+ reps at a time with no more than 5s of rest between sets.

– With the last minute being burpees, we can afford to go faster than we are typically comfortable here. Push the pace knowing there is nothing left after this.


30 Bike

:30s Air Squats

:30s Double Unders

:30s Toes To Bar

:30s Burpee To Target



– Sub Any Machine (Scaled)


– Squat To A Box (Scaled if above parallel)


– Practice

– Single Unders (Scaled)


– Toes To Space

– Knees To Chest

– V-Ups

– Sit-Ups