CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
Happy 80th Birthday Dan Lincoln! You have been an amazing part of our Crossfit family for years now and an integral part of our lives. This WOD is for you…with love!
A few quotes that remind us of you…
“Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.”
“Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”
“It is hard to fail, but it is worse never to have tried to succeed.”
“Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike.”
“Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far.”
-Theodore Roosevelt
Thank you for your service. Thank you for you friendship. Thank you for your support and “can do it” atttitude at 6am!
Stronger together!
“Do It Like Dan-Bad A** At 80” (Time)
Do It Like Dan-Bad A** At 80!!
300m Run
20 Pull Ups
40 Hang Power Cleans
60 Dead Lifts
80 Push Ups (80 GOOD Push Ups for Dan!)
300m Run
MRx: 115/65, Rx: 135/85, Rx+: 155/105
– Conditioning Category: Grind
– Barbell: Loading should not exceed 70% of 1RM Clean and Jerk. Each movement should be able to be completed in 5:00 or less.
– Score: Time
– Small quick sets on pull ups
– Let’s break the deads more than we think since we will need our grip for the hang power cleans and pull ups.
– Aim for sets of 10 or more on the deadlifts and 5 or more on the hang power cleans and push ups.
– To complete the deads in 5 minutes, you’ll need to complete 12 on the minute.
– To complete the hang power cleans in 5 minutes, you’ll need to complete 9 on the minute.
-You may partition these movements.
Focus Work (Optional) (No Measure)
Focus Work [OPTIONAL]
Pick 1-2 Movements To Practice For 10-15 Minutes
A) Handstand Push-Ups (Any Style)
B) Rope Climbs (Any Style)
C) Handstand Walk/Wall Walks
D) Ring/Bar Muscle-Ups
E) Double Unders
F) Any Odd Object Movement
– Opportunity to practice some high skill movements and/or get touches on things you want to work on.
– Mark completed if/when finished.