CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“You must expect great things from yourself before you can do them.” – Michael Jordan
The level of effort we will put in today will be relative to what we believe we can accomplish.
If we don’t believe we can lose weight, we won’t consistently go to the gym. If we don’t believe we can get the job, we won’t put in the research and studying to get the job. We just can’t summon the effort for something we don’t believe is possible.
But this belief matters most not at the start, but in the middle. When hit the missteps… the challenges, hardships and trying moments. Here is where we can settle, changing our expectations for something more “attainable”. Not because it’s what we really wanted, but because we’re letting our circumstances change our belief that was once there.
That’s when we can remind ourselves that the quote above came from a man who was cut from his High School basketball team. A man who had every reason to change his expectations. And that would have ended it. Yet… we know the rest of that story. What will be ours?
Build to Heavy Set of 5
1×5 @ 90% of Heavy 5
1×5 @ 80% of Heavy 5
– On 2.28.22 we built to a heavy set of 10 (score linked).
– We can use our heavy 10 as a reference point for our heavy 5.
– Athletes must hold onto the bar for all 5 reps.
– Rest as needed between attempts and drop sets.
– Enter your heavy set of 5 and drop set weights.
– Hit at least 3 warmup sets of 2-3 reps before making first attempt at heavy 5.
– Sub Dumbbells
“Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough” (AMRAP – Reps)
“Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough”
Toes to Bar
On the Minute [Starting at 0:00]:
9 Deadlifts MRx: 135/95, Rx: 155/105, Rx+: 185 / 135 lb
Rest 5 Minutes
Chest to Bar Pull-ups
On the Minute [Starting at 0:00]:
9 Front Squats MRx: 75/45, Rx: 85/55, Rx+: 95 / 65 lb
– Conditioning Category: Grind
– Deadlifts: Loading should not exceed 60% of your 1RM deadlift. Reps performed in less than 30s each minute.
– Front Squats: Loading should not exceed 50% of your 1RM front squat. Reps performed in less than 30s each minute.
– TTB & C2B: Can be performed in big sets, small sets, or even singles.
– Score: Enter TTB & C2B reps completed in each AMRAP.
– Choose a goal number of reps you’d like to hit each minute. If you have 30s or more for the gymnastics, that means you can aim to hit between 10-20 reps each minute.
– Aim for unbroken sets of deadlifts and front squats each minute. The barbell should be light enough for this to be manageable, even under fatigue.
– Focus on quick transitions. Waste no time before starting each movement. Just think “just get the first one,” then you can take it from there.
Complete your practice rounds in opposite order of the workout in order to load to your deadlift weight…
Practice Round 1:
5 Front Squats @ Workout Weight
5 Chest To Bar
5 Deadlifts @ Front Squat Weight
5 Toes To Bar
Practice Round 2:
5 Deadlifts @ Workout Weight
5 Toes To Bar
– Knees To Chest
– V-Ups
– Sit-Ups
– Reduce Loading
– Reduce Reps
– Sub Dumbbells
– Strict
– Regular Pull-Ups
– Banded
– Alternating Double Dumbbell Plank Rows
– Reduce Loading
– Reduce Reps
– Sub Dumbbells