CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out.” — John Wooden

This isn’t about optimism.
This is about opportunity.

Urban Meyer coined the equation “Event + Response = Outcome”.
A simple three-word phrase that speaks to the power of choice.

When an event takes place, we will have a moment in time where we will make a mental choice. To soak in the pity of loss, or to take action in the moment of opportunity. The event does ont change… but the outcome, based on our response, dramatically can.

We are always in control. We just need to take it.

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Squat Snatch

Build to a Heavy Double

– On 2.25.2022 we built to a heavy triple (score linked).

– We can aim to beat your heavy triple.

– Reps do not need to be “touch and go.”

– Take up to 10 seconds of rest between each snatch.

– Rest as needed between each double attempt.

– Enter heaviest double.


– Perform 3-5 warmup sets before first attempt at heavy double.


– 2 x Power Snatch + Overhead Squat

– Sub Single Dumbbell

“Riptide” (Time)


3 Rounds For Time:

500 Meter Row

12 Overhead Squats

21 Toes to Bar

MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65, Rx: 115/85
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Row: Less than 2:30 per round.

– OHS: Weight should be less than 70% of your 1RM OHS and performed in less than 1:00 per round.

– TTB: Less than 1:30 per round.

– Score: Total time.

– Use the first round as the buy-in. The workout really “begins” on the second round of overhead squats.

– Row at a pace that allows you to push for big sets on the OHS and TTB.

– Aim for 1-2 sets on the OHS.

– Aim for sets of 3 or more on the toes to bar.


200m Row

4 Overhead Squats

6 Toes To Bar


500M ROW

– Reduce Distance

– 400m Ski

– 1000m Bike

– 400m Run

– 300m Air Run


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Front Squats

– Sub Single Dumbbell Overhead Squats


– Reduce Reps

– Knees To Chest

– V-Ups

– 21 Medball Overhead Sit-Ups

Handstand Walk Practice (No Measure)

Handstand Walk Practice

5-10 Minutes of Practice
– Practice kicking up and/or taking a few steps at a time.

– No score here, just looking for a good quality practice session to finish out the day,

– Mark completed when finished.

– Handstand Holds

– Handstand Holds Against A Wall

– HS Walk Away From A Wall

– Handstand Shoulder Taps