CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“All progress depends on the irrational person.”

The thought that a human could run a sub 4:00 mile was absurd. The attempts to put human beings in a giant metal tube and throw them into outer space was thought to be even more ridiculous.

When we think back to the largest accomplishments in life, it was done by those who defied the status quo. It was done by those who believed things could be done differently.

We know that change is uncomfortable. It has to be. But we welcome it, fully allowing ourselves to believe that something else is possible. In the words of Epictetus, “If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish, and stupid.”

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Back Squat

Back Squat

Build to Heavy Set of 10


1×10 @ 90% of Heavy 10

1×10 @ 80% of Heavy 10

– This heavy 10 is based on feel for the day.

– Barbell taken from a rack.

– Rest as needed between attempts and drop sets.

– Enter your heavy set of 10 and drop set weights.


– Hit at least 3 warmup sets of 5-6 reps before making first attempt at heavy 10.


– Sub Dumbbell Front Squats

“Shot Clock” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

“Shot Clock”


1 Burpee Pull-up

15 Wallballs

2 Burpee Pull-ups

15 Wallballs

3 Burpee Pull-ups

15 Wallballs

[Add 1 Burpee Pull-up Each Round]

WB- MRx: 14/10, Rx: 20/14
– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– Burpee Pull-Ups: Jumping into your pull is permitted (see video).

– Wallballs: Completed in 1-2 sets.

– Score: Rounds + reps.

– Push for big sets on the wallballs.

– Pace the burpee pull-ups in a way that will allow for big sets on the wallballs.

Movement Focus


1 Burpee Pull-up

5 Wallballs

2 Burpee Pull-ups

5 Wallballs



– Burpee Strict Pull-Up (Rx)

– Burpee Kipping Pull-Up (Rx)

– Pull-Ups (No Burpee)

– Burpees (No Pull-Ups)


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Target Height

– Reduce Loading

– Single Dumbbell Thrusters