CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Head, Heart, Hands.” – Jim Kwik

Every action originates as a thought in our head. But from there, thoughts of course don’t just materialize into existence in front of us. It doesn’t go “head to hands”. There’s a step between that decides if it’s going to actually happen: heart.

It’s the emotional connection. Our level of buy-in. We could have the most grandiose plan of all time, but if we aren’t bought in with our heart in full… we know it will never work.

It’s less about what we’re doing, and more about why we’re doing it. Our success is less about “which path”, and more about the level of commitment we bring to it.

As we move through our day, let’s consider this concept of Head, Heart, Hands. If we find ourselves struggling with something… a specific career, a relationship, a lifestyle… what is causing it? Are we bought in?

Head, Heart, Hands.
Our reasons are what will reap our results.

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Power Clean

Build to Heavy Set of 10


1×10 @ 90% of Heavy 10

1×10 @ 80% of Heavy 10

– This heavy 10 is based on feel for the day.

– Athletes must hold onto the bar for all 10 reps.

– Rest as needed between attempts

Score- Enter your heavy set of 10


– Hit at least 3 warmup sets of 5-6 reps before making first attempt at heavy 10.

“Open Workout – 14.4” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


60 Calorie Row

50 Toes to Bar

40 Wallballs

30 Power Cleans

20 Ring Complexes

MRx: Push Ups on toes, Rx: 1 complex=1 Bar Muscle up, Rx+:1 Ring Complex = 1 Strict Ring Pull-up + 1 Strict Ring Dip

WB- MRx: 14/10, Rx: 20/14

BB- MRx: 95/55, Rx; 115/75, RX+: 135/95
– Conditioning Category: Grindy Threshold

– Goal: 1 Round

– Row: 4-5 Minutes

– Toes To Bar: 3-5 Minutes

– Wallballs: 2-4 Minutes

– Power Cleans: 2-3 Minutes

– Ring Complexes: 1-2 Minutes

– Score: Rounds + Reps (1 Ring Complex = 1 Rep)

– Use the row as a “buy-in.”

– Break the toes to bar into sets of 3 or more.

– Break the wallballs into sets of 8 or more.

– Perform the power cleans in singles or small sets.

– Chip away at the ring complexes and try to stay moving.

– Be aware the finishing 1 round will be challenging for most.


6 Calorie Row

5 Toes to Bar

4 Wallballs

3 Power Cleans

2 Ring Complexes



– Reduce Calories

– 60 Calorie Bike Erg

– 45 Calorie Ski/Assault Bike/Echo Bike/Air Run

– 800m Run

– 60 Burpees


– Reduce Reps

– 50 Knees To Chest

– 50 Medball Overhead Sit-Ups

– 50 V-Ups


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Target

– Single Dumbbell Thrusters


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells


– Bar Pull-Up

– Ring Row

– Banded Ring/Bar Pull-Up

– Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row


– Banded Ring Dip

– Bar, Box, or Bench Dip

– Hand-Release Push-Up