CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“The purpose of pain is to move us in action, not to make us suffer.” – Tony Robbins

Pain gets a bad rap.
Not in our world.

Pain is a purely a temporary feeling… where suffering is a state of mind.

As Tony Robbins puts it, it’s purpose is to move us forward. It’s leverage. An advantage, and a very powerful one at that. Few things in the world can get a human being to move faster than pain. It’s our body and mind telling us to go.

Pain is mandatory.
Suffering is optional.

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Row Interval (5 Rounds for distance)

5 Sets:

1 Minute at Fast Pace

1 Minute at Easy Pace

No Additional Rest Between Reps or Sets.
INTENTION: This is rowing straight through with varying paces.

SCORE: Enter the 5 sets of meters accumulated during the fast intervals only. Your overall score will be the sum total.

MONITOR SETTING: Set your monitor to time intervals (1 minute on + 1 minute rest).


1:00 Easy

:45s Moderate

:30s Fast

:15s Easy


1:00 Easy

:45s Moderate

:30s Fast

:15s Easy

“Open Test” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)


50 Wallballs 20 / 14 lb

50 Double Unders

40 Box Jumps (24″/20″)

40 Toes to Bar

30 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

30 Burpees

20 Power Cleans

20 Push Jerks

10 Power Snatches

10 Elevated Push Ups from box 16″

*Repeat from 1/26/18

BB-75/55, Rx: 95/65, Rx+ 115/85

MRx: WB-14/10

DU-Singles 75

Box Jump-Box Step ups


CTB-Ring Rows

Elevated PushUps-Regular Push Ups

INTENTION: Many athletes will not complete 1 full round. In order to finish under the cap, you’ll need to complete each station in about 2:00. The goal is to get as far as possible in the 20 minute window.

BARBELL MOVEMENTS: Perform at 40-60% of 1RM push jerk (the limiting factor for most).

SCORE: Rounds + Reps

– Be conservative on the wallballs. One bigger set to start, then chip away with 10’s, 8’s, or 7’s.

– Go unbroken on the double unders if you are comfortable with them. If not, plan a couple breaks.

– Highly recommend stepping down off the box in order to keep the heart rate at bay.

– The toes to bar will directly interfere with the pull-ups that follow. One bigger set, then smaller sets, or smaller sets all the way through are a couple of solid options.

– Break the pull-ups as needed. Small quick sets are likely the most sustainable.

– Steady pace on the burpees.

– Aim for singles or small sets on the cleans.

– Aim for bigger sets on the jerks to avoid having to do extra cleans.

– Aim for singles on the snatches.

– Chip away at the push-ups however you see fit.

– This workout really sets in starting on the burpees. Knowing this, be smart with your choices on strategy and pacing up to this point.


5 Wallballs

5 Double Unders

4 Box Jumps

4 Toes to Bar

3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

3 Burpees

2 Power Cleans

2 Jerks

1 Power Snatch

Push ups



– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Reduce Target

– Single Dumbbell Thrusters


– Reduce Reps

– 75 Single Unders

– 50 Line Hops


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Height

– Broad Jumps


– Reduce Reps

– Knees To Chest

– 40 V-Ups

– 60 Sit-Ups


– Reduce Reps

– 20 Strict Chest To Bar

– Banded Chest To Bar

– Regular Pull-Ups

– Alternating Double Dumbbell Plank Rows


– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub DB