CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“You make a living with what you get. You make a life with what you give.” – Winston Churchill

Think back to a time in your life when you came in clutch for someone. One where your actions made a significant impact on someone’s life. Maybe it was a time where you showed up for a friend in a time of need. But you didn’t just show up… you went above and beyond. Not because of some expected return or alterior motive, but because you believed it was the right thing to do. You genuinely cared.

Think back to that day, and how that made you feel when you saw your impact. Think back to how it felt to know you made a difference. It felt good, didn’t it. Really, damn, good.

Science has shown us that one of the most powerful emotions we can feel, via serotonin, is released in mass at these moments. But what is even more interesting, is that it’s literally contagious. Think back to the last time you saw *someone else* doing something generous. Maybe it was as simple as holding the door open at the store for an elderly customer. Think back to that… how did you feel, witnessing that? Did it make you feel, more generous?

If generosity is contagious, it just needs to be started.
Let it be us.
Be the change we want to see in this world.

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[All Percentages Based Off 1RM Deadlift]

1 Set of 5 @ 50%

1 Set of 3 @ 60%

1 Set of 2 @ 70%

1 Set of 1 @ 75%

1 Set of 1 @ 85%

1 Set of Max Reps @ 90%

Rest 1-3 Minutes Between Sets.

FLOW: Complete 1 set of 5, 1 set of 3, 1 set of 2, and 2 sets of 1 unbroken deadlifts. For the final set, complete a max set of unbroken deadlifts.

SCORE: Enter reps completed for the max set.

PR UPDATE: If you complete 4-5 reps for your max set, increase deadlift PR by 5# or 2.2kg. If you complete 6+ reps for your max set, increase your deadlift PR by 10# or 4.5kg.


2-3 warmup sets to 50%

“Y-Tu?” (Distance)

Every 2:00 x 10 Rounds:

2 Rope Climbs

Max KM Bike Erg

ROPES: Completed in no more than 1:00 each round.

SCORE: Total KM.

– Hard effort on the bike but not at the expense of your rope climbs.

– Aim to complete roughly the same number of km’s on the bike each round.

– Focus on strong foot clamps and getting up the rope in as few pulls as possible.



– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Height

– 3 Strict Pull-Ups + 3 Strict Knees To Chest = 1 Rope

– 6 Alternating Double Dumbbell Plank Rows = 1 Rope


– Max Meters On Any Other Machine

– Max Meter Run

– Max Box Jump Overs

– Max Burpees