CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“I want to see it, before I believe it.”

We are visually oriented people.
We seem to trust our eyes more than our other senses.

It’s why we call our ultimate direction our “vision”. It’s why in the middle of the night, if we think we hear something, we want to take a look before we feel safe enough to fall back asleep. We can hear news through the grapevine, but we doubt it until we see it.

Recognizing this, we can leverage it to our advantage. Many of us will agree that there is power to writing down our goals, and this is why. We begin to believe it that much more. It feels that much more real.

Write down our vision. Write down our goals. Write down anything that is important, not because it’s a mundane task… but because we need to see it, before we believe it.

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Thrusters (3 Rounds for weight)

A) Build to Heavy Set of 7

B) Build to Heavy Set of 5

C) Build to Heavy Set of 3
– All sets will begin with the barbell on the floor.

– Athletes may squat clean into their first rep.

– Rest as needed between sets/attempts.

– Athletes may have unlimited attempts at each set.

– Enter your heaviest successful set of 7, 5, and 3 thrusters.


10 Empty Barbell Thrusters

7 Light Barbell Thrusters


Build in sets of 3-5 reps until you are ready to attempt your heavy set of 7.


– Front Squat

– Sub Dumbbells

Fran (Time)

Thrusters, 95# / 65#

THRUSTERS: Around 50-60% of your heavy set of 3 in the previous piece.

PULL-UPS: Should be able to complete 15+ reps unbroken when fresh to perform WOD as Rx.

SCORE: Total time.

– Biggest focus is holding on for big sets of thrusters. 1-2 sets in round 1, 1-2 sets in round 2, and 1-2 sets in round 3.

– Break the pull-ups as much as needed in order to stick to barbell sets.







– Reduce Reps

– Reduce Loading

– Sub Dumbbells


– Reduce Reps

– Strict Pull-Ups

– Banded Pull-Ups

– Sub Alternating Double Dumbbell Plank Rows