CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

DU class was postponed due toweather

you have three workouts to pick from today

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“Obi-Wan” (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

EMOM for 30 minutes do:

– 5 bent over row 75/55

– 10 push ups

– 15 V ups

Chests R Us (AMRAP – Reps)

0:00 – 5:00

Buy-in: 100 partner wall ball sit ups 20/14 (alternating)

(If you finish before 5 minutes you can start on your team bench presses)

5:00 – 20:00 Bench press

1st 50 reps: 95/65

2nd 50 reps: 115/80

3rd 50 reps: 135/95

4th 50 reps: 155/105

Any remaining time: 185/125

SEAL Crusher Part 1 (Time)

4 sets of 15 reps (goal=unbroken)

– bench press

– push ups

– db flyes

– db kick backs (both arms)

– 2 hand OH db tricep extension

– skull crushers

cash out:

– 100 abs