CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Comparison is the death of joy.” – Mark Twain
We are indeed out to destroy someone’s standards.
Our own, of yesterday.
The opposite of comparison isn’t forfeit, failure, or complacency.
It’s participation.
It’s the act of joining arms with other like-minded individuals in the pursuit of our *own next best version*.
Metcon (Time)
Another Active Recovery for time:
10:00 On Any Machine
Right into:
3 Rounds:
50 Banded Pull Aparts
50 PVC Strict Presses
50 Tricep Push Downs (with bands on pull up bar)
Right into:
10:00 On Any Machine
3 Rounds:
35 Glute Bridges
35 Good Mornings 45/35
35 Seated Banded Abductions
– Complete the upper body circuit (the first 3 round piece) with a thin band for the pull apart and press downs.
– Complete the lower body circuit (the second 3 round piece) with a small band or hip halo around the knees.