CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“Discipline is choosing between what you want now, and what you want most.” — Abraham Lincoln
The desire to seek immediate gratification can be our mortal enemy. It drives us towards the comfortable choice. The safer option, or the compromise.
What we lack in those weak moments is discipline. Discipline is the willingness to stick to goals we set out to do. Emotions and conditions can tempt to sway us, where our discipline can see the temptations for what they are, and make the right decision.
This skill, as it truly is one that we can practice, has been linked many times over to being a critical component of success.
What our emotions drive us towards today, may very well be directly against what we want in the long run. So we must question them. Stacked side by side, here we need to choose. Which one do we want more? There can only be one.
See Coaches Board
Gymnastic Practice (No Measure)
Not For Time:
A) Accumulate 200-300′ Handstand Walk
B) Accumulate 10-15 Ring Muscle-ups
-Spend 10-15 min on these skills
– Starting the day practicing some higher skilled movements while we’re fresh
– These are for quality, so take your time with both
– If both of these movements are still a work in progress, reduce reps/distance or simply practice each for 10 minutes instead of accumulating these numbers
– Reduce Distance
– 10 Minutes of Practice
– Handstand Hold
– Reduce Reps
– 10 Minutes of Practice
– Feet on ground assisted muscle ups
“Bunions” (Time)
For Time:
27 Deadlfts, 27 Toes to Bar, 27/21 Calorie Row
21 Deadlfts, 21 Toes to Bar, 27/21 Calorie Row
15 Deadlfts, 15 Toes to Bar, 27/21 Calorie Row
9 Deadlifts, 9 Toes to Bar, 27/21 Calorie Row
Barbell:MRx: 135/95, Rx: 155/105, Rx+: 175/125 lb
– Conditioning Category: Threshold
– Choose a moderate barbell weight that you can complete in sets of 5 at a minimum during the workout
– Choose a toes to bar number that allows you to clear the opening set in 2 minutes or less.
– Score: Total Time (No Time Cap)
1. With a front loaded workout that is also pretty taxing on the grip and midline, today could be a great day to chip away at very quick sets of deadlifts and toes to bar. Fast sets of 3-5 reps can sometimes be faster than holding on for large sets with long breaks. Try to take 2-3 breaths maximum before getting back on the bar for the next set.
2. While the deadlift and toes to bar reps drop, the row stays the same. Look to hold a similar moderate pace across the board. Knowing you’re chipping away at quicker sets on the bar movements could be a nice incentive to hold a strong row pace.