CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Never confuse movement, with action.” – Ernest Hemingway

We’ve all had that friend who is constantly busy. Always flying a million miles an hour, but… in all directions at once. And in turn, they find themselves in the same place a year later.

We don’t want to just “move” through life, just like how we don’t want to “exercise”. We *train*. And we train, because our reps have a purpose behind them. There’s something we’re building towards that specific, defined, and real. We know which direction we are going.

Let’s take that same discipline we have with our training outside the gym walls. Are there areas of life where we feel like we may be going through the motions? How can we refine them?

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Back Squat (Weight)

On The 3:00 x 5


All percentages based on 1RM Back Squat:

10 Reps @ 65%

8 Reps @ 72%

6 Reps @ 78%

4 Reps @ 83%

2 Reps @ 88%

– All repetitions taken from the rack.

– This repetition scheme will be repeated next week.

“Wide Awake” (Time)

On the 0:00…


Power Snatch (75 / 55 lb)

Toes to Bar

On the 4:00…


Overhead Squats (95 / 75 lb)

Kipping Pull Ups

On the 8:00…


Squat Snatches (105 / 95 lb)

Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

– Conditioning Category: Threshold

– The barbell should be a -moderate weight. We should be able to complete 10+ power snatches and overhead squats unbroken when fresh.

– If you cannot complete 10+ chest to bar pull-ups unbroken when fresh, let’s reduce the reps or modify the movement.

– Score: Time of all 3 couplets combined.



1. In the first couplet, let’s aim to complete the snatches in no more than 3 sets on any round. On the pull-ups let’s break things up early on in order to save the grip. Let’s shoot for 2-4 sets every round.

2. In the second couplet, let’s try to hold on for bigger sets on the overhead squats. This means that the burpees should be at a recovery pace (with the exception of the last set of 9).

3. What’s more important than flying through the first couplet, is being sure that we are able to perform well in the second couplet.