CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“One can have no smaller or greater mastery than mastery of oneself.” Leonardo DiVinci

Leonardo DiVinci was one of the first documented individuals to believe that humans could take flight.

Imagine living back then, when the idea was first expressed. Talk about a nightmarish idea! The thought of hurling humans intot he air, like a bird, with no guarantee of landing. Pretty damn amazing how his prediction came true, despite it all.

The quote at the top is an expression of such a thing. To believe, to master his mind, despite what all external sources may be offering in response. He well knew of the risks, and well recognized the fears. But he believed it to be possible regardless.

It’s good to acknowledge the primary job of our brain – to keep us safe. It’s going to aim to convince us that we want to avoid risk, danger, and failure. It’s not the competition that will beat us. It will only be ourselves.

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Overhead Squat (3 sets of 5 OHS)

– barbells are taken from the rack

– % based on 1RM of OHS

set 1 – 60%

set 2 – 65%

set 3 – 70%

Underdog (Time)

– 100 double unders (100 singles)

– 20 OHS

– 100 du’s

– 35/25 cal row

– 100 du’s

– 50 double db box step-overs 24/20

– 100 du’s

– 35/25 cal row

– 100 du’s

– 20 OHS

barbell weight:

MRx: 55/25, Rx: 75/45, Rx+: 95/65

db weight:

Mrx: 35/20, Rx: 40/30, Rx+: 50/35
– you should be able to complete 7-10 reps unbroken of OHS when fresh