CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Greed is not a financial issue. It is a heart issue.” Andy Stanley

When children stick their hand down a cookie jar and can’t get their fist full of treats out, they get frustrated. But if they were to just drop a few, the hand comes out, still with cookies. And if the child only looks away from the jar, and thought of having “more cookies”, they are as happy as could ever be.

Life can be a race to get “more.” But that is the conundrum that is the cookie jar. Are we really after as much as possible? Or is it something else? We can’t reach a destination that doesn’t exist. Think about it, for more than just a minute. What makes you tick?

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Workout 1: Threshold Conditioning (Time)

25 minute time cap

5 rounds of:

– 400m run/row

– 8 kb swings (Russian) 24/16

– 10 abmat sit-ups

– 1,000m Echo bike

Handle with Care (WOD 2) (Time)

3 rds of:

– 30 double unders (60 singles)

– 10 dead lifts

– 30 double unders

– 10 hang power cleans

– 30 double unders

– 10 push jerks

MRx:105/65, Rx: 135/85, Rx+: 155/105