CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“People don’t fear change. People fear sudden change. People fear revolutions. People don’t fear evolutions.” Simon Sinek
When we sit on this quote for a moment, we can draw a parallel to a recent experience.
Think back to a recent experience that was full of change. Was it uncomfortable? Of course it was.
Now take that same experience and pretend as if those changes were briefed to you on January 1st, and they steadily took over the course of the calendar year. Would it feel different? I think so, too.
The underlying message is that we don’t fear change. We only fear the speed of change. When we are able to take a step back and see the “uncomfortableness” for what it is, we can find a stronger perspective.
Remind ourselves of this the next time change elicits that unique feeling in our stomach. For awareness, as always, is the key.
See Coach’s board. (Time Limit: 8 minutes)
Overhead Squat (build to a heavy OHS. :15s OHS hold)
We will only take 5 minutes for this for 5 attempts.
– 1 :15s attempt every minute. The coach will initiate.
– movement quality is top priority. Form over weight.
– don’t sacrifice positioning by choosing a weight your body isn’t ready for.
– the hold will count as Rx if you are below parallel and hold for the entire :15s.
Emergency Brake (Time)
Working through 8 rds of 2:00 on, 1:00 off for time:
– 3/24 calorie Echo Bike, 30 power cleans
– 30/24 calorie Echo Bike, 30 Front squats
– 30/24 calorie Echo Bike, 30 squat cleans
MRx: 75/45, Rx: 95/65, Rx+: 115/85
– athletes pick up where you leave off in the chipper after each 1:00 rest.
– score is completion time, including rest periods. There is no rest after the final 2:00 interval, the 8 round cap.
– If there are any reps remaining when time expires, add 1 second to your time for every uncompleted rep.
– weight on the barbell should be something you could cycle for 15+ reps unbroken on all movements when fresh.
At 3,2,1 go you start on the bike. Once calories are completed, advance to the barbell and do the lift. At the 2:00 minute mark, stop what you are doing and take the mandatory 1:00 rest. At the end of the rest continue to work where you left off. Do this for 8 rounds or until you complete all of the movements.
– find a strong pace on the bike, but don’t “smoke” yourself.
– aim for quick sets on the barbell. Singles won’t help you get far so string as many as you can together.
– aim for big sets on the front squats, for ex. 8-8-7-7 or 10’s