CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“The goal is not to be perfect by the end. The goal is to be better today.”
We are “completionists” by nature. We aren’t a group to half – complete tasks. We finish things. But in that desire to achieve the end-state, we must be mindful of the other edge of the sword.
If we have one eye on the finish line, we’ll only have one eye on the path directly ahead. The only task that matters, right here and now.
Keeping an eye on the prize can be misleading. We set clear, actionable objectives, but we don’t become obsessed with them. We become obsessed with the now. Keeping our eyes focused on making today a masterpiece is all that matters. Brick by brick.
See Coach’s board.
Snatch Technique Light (Weight)
On the 2:00 x 5 sets
– 3-position power snatch
– light loads, focus on speed and positioning
– position 1: pockets (high hang)
– position 2: 1 inch above the knee (hang)
– position 3: floor
– all sets performed at 30-40% of 1RM power snatch
I will Survive (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
1st 5 min AMRAP
– 500/400 row buy-in then,
max rds of:
-30 double unders (60 singles)
– 5 power snatches
MRx: 75/55, Rx: 95/65, Rx+: 135/95
Rest 5:00
2nd 5 min AMRAP of:
– 500/400m row buy-in then
max rds of:
– 30 du’s (60)
– 10 power snatches
MRx: 55/35, Rx: 65/45, Rx+: 95/65
Rest 5:00
3rd 5 min AMRAP of:
– 500/400m row buy-in then
max rds of:
– 30 du’s (60)
– 15 power snatches
MRx: 35/15, Rx: 45/25, Rx+: 75/55
– this should be a sprint
– score is total rds and reps for all 3 rds. DO NOT ADD ALL THE REPS TO EQUAL ANOTHER RD. EX. if you complete 3 rds in each AMRAP and 25 reps you can have a score like 9 rds and 75 reps.