CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“If you want to improve, be content to be thought foolish and stupid.” Epictetus
If there’s one thing we can guarantee ourselves, it’s that we’re going to make mistakes. We’re going to fall flat on our face and embarrass ourselves. It’s just part of life.
But if we promise ourselves one thing, everything changes. The promise to uphold the willingness to learn.
To take failure from “this isn’t for me” and translate it into “I’m not good enough yet.” It’s never a challenge of if we can do it or not; but rather a challenge of how bad do we want it. How hard we’ll work for it. We can sit and wallow, or we can meet fire with fire. To pick up the pieces, binding and mending them together, to ultimately make them far stronger than before.
See Coach’s board.
Snatch technique #4 (on the 1:30 x 5 sets)
– 1 power snatch
– 1 pausing OHS (3s in bottom)
– 1 snatch drop
all % based on 1RM squat snatch
– set 1 – 30%
– set 2 – 35%
– sets 3, 4, 5 – 35-45%
– similar to last week, weight is light to work on technique.
– this is also a warm-up for the next piece, a 3-position squat snatch
– score heaviest set
3 position snatch complex (on the 1:30 x 5 sets)
– 3 position squat snatch
position 1: high hang (pockets)
position 2: hang ( 1″ above knees)
position 3: from the floor
weights stay on the lighter side for best movement patterns
– all % based on 1RM snatch
– set 1: 50%
– set 2: 60%
– sets 3, 4, 5: 60-70%
– score heaviest complex
Divide & Conquer (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
15 min AMRAP of:
– 30 du’s
– 15 push jerks
– 30 du’s
– 15 toes 2 bar
MRx: 75/55, Rx: 105/75, Rx+: 135/95
– use a weight you could do 15+ reps unbroken when fresh
– goal is to finish somewhere between 3-5 rounds
– this is all about managing grip ans shoulder fatigue.
– try to complete push jerks in 1-2 sets
– next goal is to do quick toes 2 bar sets, breaking them up as needed. Use the option that will keep your breaks short and consistent.
– for 5 rds you’ll have to average about 3 minutes per round.