CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
A Short Story.
One day, a man won a brand new car in the lottery. THrilled, his relatives came to visit and congratulate him. They said, “Isn’t it great? You are so lucky!” The man replied, “Maybe.”
A few weeks passed, and suddenly the man was hit in the car by a drunk driver, leaving him in the hospital with multiple injuries. His family once again came to visit him, now saying, “That was really uynfortunate.” Again the man replied, “Maybe.”
A few more weeks passed, and as the man is recovering in the hospital, a landslide takes his home into the sea. Hi family comes back, saying “Aren’t you lucky you weren’t at home, and instead here at the hospital.” Again the man replied, “Maybe.”
The man’s “maybe” signifies a refusal to judge anything that may happen. Instead of judging what is, he accepts it as so, moving cosciously into allignment with whatever comes his way.
See Coaches Board
Gymnastics Stamina
4 Rounds:
:30s Max Strict Handstand Push-Ups
:30s Max Distance Handstand Walk
:30s Rest
Skip this if you retested 21.1 yesterday
or just check the box for warm up attempts.
“BOOP” (Calories)
Max Calorie Row
Every 2 Minutes (Starting at 0:00):
7 Toes to Bar
7 Push Press
7 Front Squats
MRx 75/55, Rx 95/65, Rx+ 115/85
Intention is to complete all sets unbroken
Reduce reps or weight to achieve unbroken sets
Workout will finish on Rower
Score: Row calories accumulated over the 14 minute window.
Smooth pulls on row, quick transitions, unbroken sets.
Metcon (No Measure)
Body Armor
3 Giant Sets:
1:00 Plank
50 Banded Pull-Aparts
25 Banded Tricep Push Downs
Rest as needed between sets
Midline recovery
Picture perfect form
Plank should be in a nice hollow body position
Pull-Aparts-keep shoulders away from ears
Tricp-Elbows tucked in tight and full extension of arms