CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“You can’t build on top of success you don’t acknowledge.” Dallas Travers

There’s a dark side to being so driven. We can be focused on constantly improving that we can forget to look back. And acknowledge where we came from. I bet we can all relate to a time where we landed a PR lift, or a raise at work; where we were psyched, but only for mere seconds. before we know it, we’re already thinking, “what’s next?” The finish line always moves.

It’s not wrong to be passionately driven. That’s not where the ahrm comes from. The harm comes when we don’t celebrate our victories. We aim to live in a state of true “blissful disatis faction” Grateful for every experience that comes our way, all the while in a fiery pursuit of the next best version of ourselves. Think of it less as a pat on the back, and more of a foundatiion that we build on, to build upon. As the quote above teaches us, we can’t build on top of success we don’t acknowledge.

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Open 21.1 “Pre-Game” (No Measure)


Part A:

– 3:00-5:00 light bike, row, ski, or run

Part B:

3 rounds:

– 3 strict pull ups

– 6 push ups

– 9 kb swings (light)

12/9 calorie row

– 15 abmat sit ups

– 18 air squats (to ball or box – gentle touch and go)

Part C:

– 3:00-5:00 light bike, row, ski, or run

Part D:

with an empty or very lightly loaded barbell

2-3 rds of:

– 5 Good Mornings

5 back squats

– 5 strict presses

– 5 stiff-legged dead lifts

– 5 front squats

Part E:

– 3:00-5:00 light bike, row, ski, or run

– primer for tomorrow’s Open workout.

– warm-up like intensity, passing through common ranges of motion that will help us move better tomorrow.

– Here’s the goal: leave the gym better than when you walked in. That means we must control intensity, and choose an appropriate amount of volume in the above rounds.