CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit

“Don’t tell me who you are. Tell me what you are.”

When we are asked “who” we are, we default to our past. We define ourselves by our resumes. Although our past may give us insight of where we’ve been, it cannot be what defines us; for it’s the past.

When the question however asks “what” we are, we tend to give a different answer. We describe who we “really” are. It’s one of character, values and beliefs.

Will we be defined by who we’ve been in the past, or by what we stand for today? Let character be our loudest statement.

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Gymnastics Conditioning AMRAP (AMRAP – Reps)

In a 9 min. AMRAP do:

– 1 pausing strict HSPU

– 1 strict HSPU

– 1 kipping HSPU

– 7/5 calories on Echo Bike

– 2 of everything

– 7/5 calories on Echo Bike

– 3 of everything etc…

– add 1 rep to each HSPU movement until time cap.

– Bike calories stay the same throughout.
– pausing strict HSPU = 1s head on floor

– toatl number of reps will be the score Including the bike calories for ex.

rd 1 = 10/8 reps

rd 2 = 13/11

rd 3 = 16/14

rd 4 = 19/17

Eighth Wonder (Time)

8 rounds

– 8 push jerks

– 8 barbell facing burpees

MRx: 115/65, Rx: 135/85, 155/105
– moderate barbell weight, one we could cycle 21+ unbroken when fresh.

– barbell comes from the floor.

– aggressive transitions.

– try to push the pace on the jerks and recover during the burpees.