CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“75% Emotional, 25% Physical”
See Coach’s board.
Power Snatch (8 minutes to build to a heavy 1 rep power snatch)
Focused (Calories)
5 rounds:
1st min. – Echo Bike Calories
2nd min. – :30 s side plank/each side
3rd min. – 10 barbell curls + 10 strict press
MRx: 35/15, Rx: 45/35, Rx+: 65/45
4th min. – fingertip hold (2 plates)
MRx: 15/10, Rx: 25/15, Rx+: 35/25
and repeat……….
– score is calories on the bike
– if you drop a plate during the fingertip hold, (go past go and go straight to jail – do not collect $200) pick the plate up quickly and get back into the hold.
– make sure you pick weights you can do 15+ reps unbroken when fresh