CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“The future belongs to those who prepare for it today.” Malcom X
There’s something intoxicating about planning for the future. It’s the dream world.
Yet when it’s time to cross the bridge, from planning to execution, many lose their way. And nothing materializes.
View “Preparation” as two equal parts:
1. thought
2. Action
Without the thought behind, it’s wasted energy in multiple directions. Without action to follow thought. it’s nothing but a pipe dream.
There will be the voice that tells us, “there’s time to do this tomorrow,” but that brings us back to the quote we started with above. We’ll take the hard road.
see coach’s board
Stamina Squats week 5 (EMOM x 16 (8 rds each))
min 1: 1 – front squat
min 2: 2 – back squats
– single barbell at 82% 1RM front squat.
Isa-ball (Time)
10 rds:
– 3 power snatches
– 15 wallballs
power snatch – 105/75
wallball – 12/10
power snatch – 125/95
wallball – 20/14
power snatch – 155/105
wallball – 30/20
– moderate barbell weight is the aim.
– pick a weight that you can cycle for 10+ unbroken when fresh.