CrossFit Evergreen – CrossFit
“You can’t build on top of success you don’t acknowledge.” Dallas Travers
See Coach’s board
Stamina Squats week 4 (EMOM x 14)
On the minute x 14 (7 rds of each)
minute 1 – 2 front squats
minute 2 – 4 back squats
– single barbell loaded at 72% of 1RM front squat
– do a few warmup sets at a lighter weight before starting the EMOM
Wheels Up (Time)
– Cal. Echo bike
directly into…
3 rds of:
– wallballs
– alternating db power snatches
– bar muscle ups/toes 2 bar/renegade row
Echo bike:
MRx: 65/45
Rx: 75/55
Rx+: 100/75
MRx: 15 reps @ 12/10
Rx: 20 reps 20/14
Rx+: 30 reps 20/14
DB power snatches:
MRx: 12 reps @ 35/20
Rx: 15 reps @ 50/35
Rx+: 20 reps @ 70/50
Bar MU’s /Toes 2 Bar/Renegade row
MRx: 10 reps renegade row 35/20
Rx: 15 reps T2B
Rx+: 10 bar MU’s
– steady grind again today
– pick a db weight you can cycle for 20+ reps unbroken when fresh.
– with heavy legs coming off the bike try to break up the wallballs into NMT 2 sets.